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Dairy Permit Applications
Milk Hauler/Sampler
Type of Permit: Bulk Milk Hauler or Sampler
Who Needs This Permit?
Anyone who collects samples and may transport raw milk from a farm and/or raw milk products to or from a milk plant, receiving station or transfer station.
Any industry field representative collecting official raw milk farm samples.
Any farm personnel collecting raw milk samples from their farm milk supply (i.e. direct load farms, farmstead processors).
Licensing Period: Permits expire every 2 years in conjunction with inspection date
Permit Fee: None
Submit online application form
Successful completion of online exam
Successful completion of on-site inspection of hauling/sampling procedures by BOAH personnel
Forms Needed:
Application for Bulk Milk Hauler/Sampler Permit
Rules Pertaining To:
PMO (see Appendix B)
Indiana Code 15-18-1-3 and 345 IAC 8-2-3.5
Note: After successful permitting by BOAH, haulers/samplers need to contact the Indiana Creamery License Board to obtain their permit. They may be reached at Creamery License Division, Purdue University;
Milk Route Trucks or Tanks
Types of Permits:
Bulk Milk Route Truck or Tank
Can Milk Route Truck
Who Needs These Permits?
Any bulk milk pickup truck/tanker used to transport bulk raw milk for pasteurization from a dairy farm to a milk plant, receiving or transfer station.
Any bulk milk pickup truck/tanker used to transport bulk milk product to and from dairy processing plants.
Any truck picking up manufactured grade milk cans for delivery to manufactured grade processing plant.
Licensing Period: Permits expire annually-December 31 of each year
Permit Fee: None
Submission of application form
Satisfactory inspection of bulk truck tank and appurtenances by BOAH personnel
Forms Needed:
Application for Route/Truck Permit
Rules Pertaining To:
PMO (see Appendix B)
Indiana Code 15-18-1-3 and IAC 8-2-3.5 & IAC 8-2-4
Dairy Farmers
Type of Permit: Dairy Farm-Grade A or Manufactured Grade
Who Needs This Permit?
Any dairy farm in Indiana operating and providing, selling or offers for sale raw milk for pasteurization or processing milk and milk products.
Both Grade A and Manufactured Grade farms
This includes milk from cows, buffalo, sheep, goats, yaks, etc.
Licensing Period:
Permits remain valid for farm until suspended, cancelled or revoked.
Permits may be approved for a name change if the change is within the family currently operating the farm.
If the farm ceases operation for any reason, the farm must be reapproved by BOAH personnel.
Permit Fee: None
Submission of permit application
Submission of Application to Install New or Modify Existing Milk Operation, with blueprints if applicable
Satisfactory water sample collected by BOAH personnel if applicable
Satisfactory inspection and approval of dairy farm facilities
Forms needed:
Rules Pertaining To:
PMO (applies to Grade A farms only)
345 IAC 8-2-3 (Grade A and Manufactured)
Milk and Milk Product Handler
Types of Permits:
Grade A Milk and Milk Products Processor
Manufactured Grade Milk Products Processor
Milk and Milk Products Distributor
Single Service Container Manufacturer
Milk Transfer Station
Milk Receiving Station
Grade A Truck Wash Station
Who Needs This Permit?
Grade A Milk and Milk Products Processor - any facility in Indiana producing Grade A milk products such as bottled milk, yogurt and cottage cheese will need to apply.
Manufactured Grade Milk Products Processor - any facility in Indiana producing manufactured grade milk products such as cheese or ice cream will need to apply for this permit.
Milk and Milk Products Distributor - any Indiana facility with cold storage units for storage of dairy products for distribution will need to apply for this permit. If you have other food storage and are under the jurisdiction of the Indiana State Department of Health, you do not need to obtain a BOAH permit.
Single Service Container Manufacturer - any Indiana facility manufacturing single use containers, caps, lids, etc. for use in an IMS dairy processing facility must apply for this permit.
Transfer Station - an Indiana facility that transfers milk from one tank truck unit to another for transportation.
Receiving Station - any Indiana facility that receives, collects, handles, stores, and further prepares for further transportation.
Grade A Truck Wash Station - any Indiana facility that washes permitted Grade A milk bulk route/tank trucks and is not otherwise permitted as a Grade A facility.
Note: If you are an out-of-state processor or distributor wishing to distribute dairy products in Indiana for sale, we do not require you to be permitted in this state. We do, however, require that you be permitted and in good standing with your state regulatory agency. We also require that you be listed on the Interstate Milk Shippers with satisfactory ratings if you are a Grade A processor.
Note: If your dairy product sales are retail only you will need to contact ISDH and/or your county health department for approval and permits.
Permit Period: Permits expire every year.
Submission of permit application to BOAH
Facility construction plans if building or remodeling existing facility, along with a Milk Handler Facility Construction/Modification cover form
Satisfactory water sample(s) if applicable
Facility inspection and approval
Depending on specific permit type, laboratory facilities, personnel and test procedures may be required to pass inspection and approval
Facility will be routinely inspected after approval
Product samples will be routinely collected after approval if applicable
Forms Needed:
Rules Pertaining To: 345 IAC 8-2-2 & 8-2-2.5 (Manufactured Grade only) 21 CFR Fed. Reg. , PMO (Grade A)