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Sheep & Goats
Moving Sheep & Goats Under Indiana's Animal Disease Traceability Rule
What is Official Sheep & Goat ID in Indiana?
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) recognizes three forms of identification as official for sheep and goats. All are approved by USDA for interstate movements of livestock.
Scrapie Program flock Tags
-Official USDA Scrapie tag including the US shield. the Scrapie Flock ID, and a unique individual ID
-May or may not be an RFID (radio frequency device)
Electronic Implant (Microchip)
-For breed-registered animals only
-Microchip Number must be noted on registration paperwork
-This form of ID will only be accepted for animals traveling with corresponding registration papers.
Microchip information
-Must be accompanied by registration papers with number noted
-Or includes the entire scrapie flock ID beginning with IN number along with a unique individual animal ID number (example: IN80001 and 404)
-For tattoos to be acceptable for official ID, they must be legible and the tattoo registered with BOAH
(NOTE: USDA backtags are considered official within slaughter channels.)
Moving Sheep & Goats
Sheep and goats entering Indiana must be accompanied by documentation and bear official ID (as recognized by BOAH). For additional sheep & goat entry requirements go to:
Official ID required for:
-All animals, regardless of age
-Animal moving directly to an approved market, where the animal will be
Documentation required:
-Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with official ID of each animal,
written within 30 days of entry
-Direct to an approved market
-Veterinary care (no ownership change)
Does not include embryo transplants or long-term veterinary care
-Passing through the state
Upon change of ownership and for exhibitions, Indiana sheep and goats must have unique, individual ID.
Official ID required at change of ownership:
-All sexually intact, regardless of age
-All wethers, 18 months or older
-Animal moving directly to an approved market, where the animal
will be ID'ed
Exhibition ID required for wethers younger than 18 months:
-Any form of unique, individual ID (may or may not be official form of ID)
A 4-H tag is sufficient ID for wethers
Documentation required:
-Records must be kept for at least 5 years for all purchases, sales and
-All records must specify official ID number
Always call ahead to the state-of-destination for sheep and/or goats moving out of Indiana.
Official ID:
-Sheep and goats that meet Indiana's ID requirements will
meet the ID requirements for all states, based on USDA's
ADT rules. Always call ahead.
Official ID:
-Official Scrapie Program flock tags, which must bear US shield
-Electronic implant (microchips) for breed-registered animals only
-Tattoo with registration papers or entire flock ID beginning with state prefix
(example: IN), and a unique individual ID number.
-Call ahead to ask specific details about required documentation,
including entry permits. USDA recognizes Certificates of Veterinary
Inspection, with official IDs noted, for inter-state movements.
-What is the time limit on CVIs?
-Is a pre-entry permit required?
-Other requirements, such as tests?