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Camelid Entry Requirements

Indiana Entry Health Requirements: Camelids

The following is a summary of Indiana's animal health laws governing the transportation of camelids, such as camels, llamas, and alpacas, into Indiana. Indiana's camelid identification and movement laws can be viewed in more detail in 345 IAC 1-2.6-8, 345 IAC 1-3-4, and 345 IAC 7-5-9. For additional information, contact the Indiana State Board of Animal Health Cattle & Ruminant Division at (317)544-2397 or toll free at (877)747-3038, or click here to submit an e-mail inquiry.

Certificate of Veterinary Inspection

Required, with the following exceptions:

  • Animals moved directly to an approved livestock facility

  • Animals consigned for immediate slaughter

Must be completed by a licensed and accredited veterinarian within the thirty (30) days immediately prior to the animal entering Indiana.

Animal Identification

Official identification is required for all camelids for exhibition. 
Official identification options for camelids include the following:

  • Official ear tag

  • Tattoo

  • Electronic identification that complies with ISO 11784/11785

  • Non-ISO electronic identification if applied to the animal on or before January 1, 2015

  • Digital photographs sufficient to identify the individual animal

If a CVI is completed for a movement other than to an exhibition, the CVI must, at minimum, include a physical description sufficient to identify the individual animal, although use of an official ID is also permitted.


None required


None required


If the animal is to be entered in a livestock exhibition in Indiana, see the Indiana exhibition requirements.