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Indiana Entry Health Requirements: Cervidae
The following is a summary of Indiana's animal health laws governing the transportation of cervids into Indiana. The cervid identification, movement, and testing laws can be viewed in more detail in 345 IAC 1-2, 345 IAC 1-3, 345 IAC 2, and 345 IAC 2.5. For additional information, contact the Indiana State Board of Animal Health Cervid Division at (317)544-2395 or toll free at (877)747-3038, or click here to submit an e-mail inquiry.
Note on terminology: When used on this page, the term "CWD-susceptible species" refers to all animals of the following species, including their hybrids and any related species:
Whitetail deer
Mule deer
Elk, wapiti, and red deer
Sika deer and Japanese deer
Another species of the family cervidae that is found to be susceptible to CWD
The term "CWD non-susceptible" refers to all other cervid species and their hybrids.
Live animals and embryos may be imported if the following conditions are met:
The state of origin meets the following requirements:
Animal health officials have the authority to quarantine for CWD;
State law requires CWD positives be reported to animal health officials;
State of origin is engaged in surveillance for CWD in captive and free-ranging cervid populations; and
CWD has not been diagnosed in any cervid within the last 5 years.
The herd of origin meets the following requirements:
Meets the requirements for a CWD certified herd in the USDA Herd Certification Program.
No animal in the herd, from the herd, or traced to the herd has been diagnosed as CWD positive within the last 5 years.
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
Required for all cervids, with the following exceptions:
- Animals transported through the state without being unloaded
Additionally, CWD non-susceptible species are exempt from the CVI requirement under the following circumstances:
- Animals consigned for immediate slaughter
The CVI must be issued by a licensed and accredited veterinarian within the thirty (30) days immediately prior to the animal entering Indiana.
Pre-Entry Permit
A pre-entry permit is required for all animals that require a certificate of veterinary inspection. A permit must be obtained prior to transporting such animals into Indiana. Click here for the cervid pre-entry permit application
The completed pre-entry permit application must be received by the Board of Animal Health no less than 120 hours (5 business days) prior to the projected movement date. The applicant for a pre-entry permit will be required to supply supporting documentation that allows the Board of Animal Health to evaluate the disease risk associated with the animals to be moved.
Indiana prohibits the import of CWD-susceptible cervid species from:
- CWD quarantine, infected, containment, management or similarly designated management areas
- CWD quarantine, positive, exposed, or suspect herds and herds that are currently designated as trace back or trace forward herds in a CWD investigation
These restrictions include animals intended for slaughter.
With the exception of movements directly to slaughter, pre-entry permits for CWD-susceptible species will only be issued if the state-of-origin conducts surveillance for CWD, is an approved state in the federal CWD herd certification program, and has not diagnosed CWD in a farmed or free-ranging cervid herd within the 60 months immediately prior to the date of the proposed movement.
Official Animal Identification
Required for all cervids entering Indiana. All animals must have two forms of official ID.
Primary ID must be an official, tamper-resistant ear tag bearing a US shield
840 tags - 15 digits, beginning with "840," may or may not be RFID
NUES tags - also known as steel or "brite" tags, available in steel clip or plastic bangle styles
Secondary ID must be one of the following:
Official or unofficial ear tag
Electronic identification, such as microchip, that complies with ISO 11784/11785
Non-ISO electronic identification, such as microchip, if applied before January 1, 2015
Flank or ear tattoo
General restrictions
The following cervids may not be imported into Indiana:
Cervids that respond to any official TB or brucellosis test
Exception: Cervids that respond to a TB or brucellosis test may be imported if, prior to importation to Indiana, the animal subsequently tests negative using an official test, or is consigned and moved directly to slaughter.
Cervids that originate from a herd that is under quarantine or affected with TB or brucellosis
Cervids from an Accredited TB-free herd or moved directly to slaughter do not require any additional testing.
All other cervids must either:
Originate from a qualified or monitored herd or have tested negative as part of a whole herd test within one year of the date of movement. In addition, each individual animal in the shipment that is at least one year of age must test negative for TB within 90 days prior to the date of movement into Indiana.
Have 2 negative TB test performed at least 90 days apart, with the second test occurring no more than 90 days prior to the date of movement into Indiana.
- Cervids added to a tuberculosis accredited herd must meet the program testing requirements for herd additions if not from another accredited herd.
Cervids from a Certified Brucellosis-free herd or moved directly to slaughter do not require any additional testing.
All other cervids must either:
Originate from a monitored herd and each animal in the shipment that is sexually intact and at least one year of age must test negative for brucellosis within 90 days prior to the date of movement into Indiana.
Test negative for brucellosis within 30 days prior to the date of movement into Indiana.
Cervids added to a brucellosis certified or monitored herd must meet the program testing requirements for herd additions not from another certified or monitored herd.
General restrictions
The following cervids may not be imported into Indiana:
Cervids that respond to any official TB or brucellosis test
Exception: Cervids that respond to a TB or brucellosis test may be imported if, prior to importation to Indiana, the animal subsequently tests negative using an official test, or is consigned and moved directly to slaughter.
Cervids that originate from a herd that is under quarantine or affected with TB or brucellosis
If the animal is to be entered in an exhibition in Indiana, see also the Indiana exhibition requirements.
Live animals may ship directly to slaughter in Indiana under the following conditions:
A pre-entry permit is obtained from the state veterinarian.
All animals are required to have official identification. CWD susceptible species must also have a second form of identification.
A certificate of veterinary inspection is obtained for the animals, moves with the animals, and is presented at the slaughter plant.
Animals are moved directly to a slaughtering establishment licensed by the BOAH or the USDA without stopping and unloading elsewhere in the state.
The state veterinarian is given an opportunity to collect a sample from each animal for disease (CWD) testing.
Offal from the animals is disposed of by a licensed rendering service or at a licensed landfill.
Importation of Cervid Products, Other Than Live Animals
Carcasses, meat, and parts
Requirements for the importation of carcasses, meat, and parts for CWD-susceptible species hunted out-of-state can be found at:
Carcasses of CWD-susceptible species testing negative for CWD using an official test may move into the state with no additional restrictions.
Semen & Embryos
Semen and embryos may be imported if the following conditions are met:
The donor(s) are not CWD-positive, CWD-suspect, or CWD-exposed
The donor(s) have not been kept on a premises where a CWD-positive animal has been kept within the last 60 months
The donor(s) are not the offspring of a CWD-positive animal
No CVI or permit are required.