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Depository Division
The Depository Institutions Division is responsible for assessing the safety and soundness of state-chartered banks, credit unions, industrial loan authorities, and corporate fiduciaries. It is the division’s mission to ensure depositor’s/member’s funds are safe while providing an Indiana-centric perspective and expertise to financial institution regulation. The division fosters strong banking activities in an effort to further the growth and prosperity of Indiana’s local communities and citizens of the state. The division works directly with federal agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Association, the United States Department of Treasury (FINCEN), and the Federal Reserve Bank to ensure the well-being of our financial institutions.
Quick Links:
Online Payment Option- Pay Your Annual Depository Assessment Fee by clicking Here
Bank, Credit Union, ILC, and Corporate Fiduciary Applications - Access to depository institutions applications for activities, including: formation, conversion, branch activities, merger/consolidation, acquisition, real estate held for future expansion, and amendment to articles of incorporation.
Depository Advisory Statements, Policy Statements and Guidance - Listing of publications issued by the department applicable to Depository Institutions.
File a Complaint Against a State-Chartered Depository Institution - File a complaint against a state-chartered depository institution
Listing of DFI Regulated Depository Institutions - View all Depository Institutions regulated by the department