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Background Check Information
All license applications and new officer or manager additions require background checks for owners and officers. If your application must be submitted in NMLS, please complete the background check in NMLS. All other background checks must be completed using IdentoGO. Instructions for the fingerprinting process for IdentoGO can be found in the Fingerprint Instructions. If you have questions about the background check process, please send an email to
Applicant Notification and Record Challenge: Your fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. You have the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained in the FBI identification record. The procedure for obtaining a change, correction, or updating an FBI identification record are set forth in Title 28, CFR, 16.34. If you are seeking a copy of your criminal background check, please visit the FBI’s website, for instructions on requesting a copy of your background check.
If you are seeking to correct inaccurate information on your criminal background check, please visit the FBI’s website for instructions on requesting a correction to your criminal background check.