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Plants and Animals
What's Outside?
The outdoors are a treasure chest full of natural wonders.
Birds, animals, trees, fish, plants, bugs -
there are so many wonderful living things outside.
Want to learn more about these wonders?
See our animal photo gallery.
Click below to find more information about Indiana wildlife.
- Amphibians
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- American Toad
- Blanding’s Turtle
- Eastern Box Turtle
- Bullfrog
- Northern Cricket Frog
- Crawfish Frog
- Cope’s Gray Treefrog and Eastern Gray Treefrog
- Eastern Spadefoot Toad
- Fowler’s Toad
- Green Frog
- Green Salamander
- Green Tree Frog
- Massasauga Rattlesnake
- Northern Leopard Frog
- Plain’s Leopard Frog
- Pickerel Frog
- Western Chorus Frog
- Southern Leopard Frog
- Spring Peeper
- Wood Frog
- Listen to Indiana frogs and toads
- Birds
- Fish
- Asian Carp slideshow
- Bluegill
- Fish facts
- Snails
- Do you know one Indiana fish from another? Try to identify these Indiana sportfish.
- Mammals
- Plants, trees and vegetation
- Insects