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Vertical Jump

Protocol for Vertical Jump


This is a measure of jumping or explosive power.


Vertical measuring apparatus fixed to a smooth wall. Some way to mark extension when jumping (e.g., chalk dust, velcro).


1. Participant stands with one side toward the wall, feet together, and reaches up as high as possible to mark his/her standard reach.

2. Participant jumps as high as possible and marks the highest point of the jump. Participant must jump from both feet in a stationary stance. Arms may be pumped and thrust upward.

3. Score is the total inches, to the nearest 1/2 inch, above the standard reach mark.

4. The best of three trials is the recorded score.

 Vertical Jump

How To Prepare For Vertical Jump

You Must Train To Meet The Standards

Training must be specific to the target activity, and therefore each component has a different training routine.

Vertical Jump:

A good way to prepare for this component is to do plyometric training. The basic plyometric exercise routine consists of three exercises: double leg vertical jump, single leg vertical jump and the double leg hop. Perform each exercise with 1 set of 10 repetitions, 3 days a week. Do the repetitions ballistically without stopping. Rest 3 minutes between each set of each exercise.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest  Frequency 
Double Leg Vertical Jump 1 10 3 min. 3/week
Single Leg Vertical Jump 1 10 3 min. 3/week
Double Leg Hop 1 10 3 min. 3/week

Double Leg Vertical Jump:

Intensity Level: High.
Starting Position:
Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart.
Direction of Jump:
Arm Action:
Double arm action.
Starting Action:
Perform a rapid counter movement and jump as high as possible.
Thrust arms upward vigorously and reach as high as possible.
When the feet hit the ground, jump again immediately without a stutter step.

Double Leg Hop:

Intensity Level: Medium.
Starting Position: Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart.
Direction of Jump: Horizontal, with a vertical component as well.
Arm Action: Double arm action.
Starting Action: Jump off of both legs and strive for maximal distance.
Ascent: Think about "hanging" in the air.
Descent: Land in the starting position and immediately repeat the movement.

Single Leg Vertical Jump:

Intensity Level: High.
Starting Position: Stand with one foot on the ground.
Direction of Jump: Vertical.
Arm Action: Double arm action.
Starting Action: Perform a rapid counter movement and jump as high as possible.
Ascent: The arms should be thrust upward vigorously and reach as high as possible.
Descent: When the foot hits the ground, immediately jump without a stutter step.

(Emphasis should be placed on maximum height and quick, explosive takeoffs. Repeat this exercise with the opposite leg after a brief rest of 15-30 seconds.)