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Guidelines & Information for Inservice Students

Parking:  All resident students are to park in the student parking lot located on the North Side of the main building of the Academy complex.  Commuter students may park in either the North or South parking lots, but not in front (East) of the building.  Leave your luggage, clothing and personal articles in your car until you have completed registration.

Registration:  Enter the main building through the front door and go to reception area to register, then go immediately to the Quartermaster window.

Tuition:  If your course or seminar is of a tuition nature please bring cash, certified check, money order, claim voucher or personal check.  Presentation of one of these methods of payment will be required when you register at Quartermaster.

Academy Security:  An identification badge will be issued to you and it is to be visibly displayed at all times. 

All buildings within the Academy complex are areas of controlled access.  Entrance doors into the main building will be kept locked at all times.  Entry is to be through the main entrance only.  In-service students may exit through either the North or South doors (adjacent to student parking lots) at the end of the training day.

In-service students have no curfew however, after 1900 hours the ID badge must be shown to the Staff Duty Officer to gain entrance.

Any attempt to breach security by propping open doors, admitting someone to the Academy through a locked door, etc., may result in immediate dismissal from the Academy.

Dress Code:  The Executive Director, through his staff, will refuse classroom/field exercise participation to any person whose dress or cleanliness reflects unfavorably upon that person's employing department, the Law Enforcement Training Board, or the staff of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy.  Jail Officers will be expected to wear their department uniform or a polo shirt with their department logo on it.

Clothing worn must be clean, in good repair, and appropriate for the type of training being presented or received.  Shorts, cut-offs, shirts without collars (T-shirts), and sandals are inappropriate during the normal classroom day and in the cafeteria.  To avoid embarrassment we ask that you use good judgment in what you wear while at the Academy.

Firearms:  No firearm of any type is to be taken into student living quarters.  All students in residence will be issued a key to a gun locker for securing firearms.  The gun lockers are located in the hallway just south of Quartermaster.  Commuter and one-day seminar students are permitted to wear their firearm in classrooms, cafeteria and all common areas.  Leaving weapons in vehicles is not recommended.  (The maximum security Indiana Reception and Diagnostic Center for convicted felons, Boys' School, and Plainfield Correctional Facility are adjacent to this Academy.)

Dormitory Rooms:  Students in residence are expected to maintain their assigned room in a clean and orderly condition.  Dormitory rooms are subject to inspection at any time for purposes of safety, sanitation and rule violations. You may want to bring an alarm clock to assist you in arriving on time for classes and formations.

Tobacco Use: Smoking or chewing tobacco or dipping snuff is not permitted in any building on the Academy complex.  Students may smoke in designated outdoor areas, but chewing and spitting are not permitted on Academy property.

Additional:  No alcoholic beverages are permitted on Academy property except those which are used in approved, scheduled classes.  Intoxication on Academy property is grounds for dismissal from training. 

Gambling of any kind is forbidden.

Sexual harassment and lewd or lascivious conduct will not be tolerated.

Profane language in common areas where it may be overheard, by children and visitors, will be deemed conduct unbecoming an officer.

While officers are driving to and from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, they should remember to lead by example and drive responsibly.  This helps the ILEA and all of law enforcement maintain a good relationship with the community.

In-service students are asked to set a positive and professional example for student officers attending basic classes.

NOTE: For complete information on Academy rules and regulations, refer to the Student Handbook on your dormitory desk.  If you are a commuter student, copies of the handbook are on file in the Learning Resources Center and at the Quartermaster window.

Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
5402 South County Road 700 East
Plainfield, Indiana 46168-0313
Phone (317) 839-5191