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Basic Training - Tier II

A Tier II basic training program is provided for certain agencies that are allowed to have less than the Tier I basic training program.  The Tier II program is designed those special enforcement agencies making only occasional arrests.  The Tier II program is approximately half the length of the Tier I program.  Agencies currently authorized to participate in the Tier II program are:  those qualifying for the town marshal program (three or fewer paid officers) under IC 5-2-1-9(h), Gaming Agents, DOC Police and Hospital Police.

The Tier II program presently has a one week home study portion that must be completed before reporting to the Academy.  Applicants must be able to successfully complete a background check by their department and pass a physical examination.

Those eligible for participation in the Tier II program may instead enroll in the Tier I programs.

Town Marshals

Those marshals and deputies who are appointed in a town employing one marshal and no more than two deputies (either full-time or part-time) are eligible to participate in the ILEA Tier II basic training program.

All other marshals and deputies must conform to the basic training requirements under the Tier I basic training program.  Those towns whose officers are eligible to participate in the Tier II program may, at their discretion, opt to send their officers to the Tier I program instead.