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LETB Certified Training Providers


This page is a resource to access Training Providers that are private companies or agencies that are registered with the LETB and have a "LETB Certified Training Provider number". This resource is here to help Indiana Law Enforcement Officers find online training that can be reported as part of their annual in-service training requirement. Please follow the procedure below to ensure your training is properly reported.

  1. Register for the classes at the provider’s website.
  2. Complete the class and all the requirements with a passing score.
  3. Print the certificate of completion or other documentation that indicates your successful completion of the class.
  4. Report the training by submitting a copy of the certificate and provide the LETB Certified Training Provider number to your Department's Training Coordinator.
  5. The Training Coordinator should report the training through Acadis as part of your annual in-service training using the LETB Certified Training Provider number for the organization that presented the online training. (Click here to access the list of LETB Certified Training Provider Numbers)

Providers Websites:

LETB Certified Training Providers 2515LETB Certified Training Providers

Link Provider Number Cost
Blue to Gold LLC. 5000-183 Yes
Community Oriented Policing Services COPS (USDOJ) 99-000-1001-901 Free
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) 52-0907065 Free
Indiana Law Enforcement Academy 35-6000-158-103 Free
In the Line of Duty 43-1718085 Yes
John E. Reid and Associates, Inc. 36-2648434 Yes
Moyars Consulting 45-4579709 Yes
National Institute of Justice (USDOJ) 99-000-1001-91 Free
Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) 99-291-6812-0019 (IDHS) Free
NLEARN (IADLEST) 5000-116 Yes
PoliceOne Academy 5000-131 Free
Virtual Academy 20-8323618 Yes



If you are aware of an LETB Certified Provider that has valid online training please forward the name of the provider and the web address to the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy.The criteria for submission to be included on this page are:

  1.  The training provider must have a valid LETB Certified Provider Number

  2.  The training is available via the internet as a self guided course of study

  3.  A certificate or other documentation that serves as proof of successful completion that indicates:

  •  The students name

  • The date of completion

  •  The course title

  • The LETB Certified Training Provider Number
    (does not have to be on the certificate but must be included when reporting the training)