Main Content
Data and Reports
Asthma's Impact on Indiana [Infographic]
Asthma Data and Reports
- Indiana Public Health District Asthma Profiles, June 2016
- County Emergency Department Visit and Hospitalization Rates, 2015
These files include recent data on asthma in Indiana and has been developed as a resource for those working on asthma in the state.
Fact Sheets
2018_Indiana_Asthma_Fact_Sheet.pdf -The latest information about asthma.
Minority Health and Asthma Fact Sheet-Provides information on asthma burden and management in Indiana's minority populations.
Healthy People 2020 Indiana Brief: Asthma Update-A brief update on Healthy People 2020 asthma objectives in Indiana adults aged 65 and older.
Asthma and Women Fact Sheet-A fact sheet on how asthma affects women.
Healthy People 2020 Indiana Brief: COPD-An update on Healthy People 2020 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease objectives in Indiana. .
Additional Information
- Info By Location
- For information about asthma and more in your county click the link above.
Provides the most current Indiana health-related data at the state and county level. The Indiana State Department of Health and the Indiana Hospital Association have together taken the lead in this endeavor, continuing to reach out and help communities and their hospitals obtain the metrics they need to monitor and evaluate health.
A web-based tool designed to provide access to county health status profiles for use in improving community health.
The University of Wisconsin's Public Health Institute and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a program designed to help communities be healthier by focusing on specific factors that influence health in nearly every county in all 50 states.
Previous Information
Indiana Statewide Asthma Conference-Asthma in Indiana powerpoint slides click here.
Previous Fact Sheets
Data Request Form
To request data from the Chronic Respiratory Disease Section, please fill out this form and return to .