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Schools and Childcare

Asthma Friendly Schools Application Guide

With the goal of working towards improving student heath, attendance, and academic achievement, IKE established a voluntary award opportunity to acknowledge schools with exceptional asthma management programs. The most basic and essential activities fall under the Bronze level award. Successive award levels include additional activities and require more effort, resulting in progressively stronger programs and culminating in a Platinum level award. The Asthma Friendly Schools recognition levels represent points of progress toward the goal of improved asthma management, because every small step makes a difference.  For more information on this program please email ISDHAsthma@isdh.IN.gov .

Printable Asthma Medication Poster

This printable Asthma Medication Poster  was originally developed by the Minnesota Department of Health. These posters were designed as a tool for providers, school health personnel, and for use in clinics, to assist patients in proper identification of their inhaled asthma medication. Posters contain the a photo, generic and brand name, delivery of dose, and manufactures' name for all inhaled medication commonly prescribed in the US.

Asthma Emergency Care Plan 2014-15 School Year

The key component to asthma management is maintaining an individualized Asthma Action Plan for each student with asthma. Indiana Public Schools do not require the use of a specific plan. Numerous print, electronic and computer-based interactive plans are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to assist school nurses in choosing the best plan for use in their schools.


Winning with Asthma: Coach's Clipboard

"Winning with Asthma" is a program designed to educate sports coaches about the effects of asthma on athletes.

Indoor Air Quality Rule

410 IAC 33 To establish an indoor air quality (IAQ) inspection, evaluation, and parent and employee notification program to assist Schools and State Agencies in improving indoor air quality and establish best practices and necessary minimum standards for IAQ, IAC 33 regulates items that affect the IAQ, specifies when the department willinspect for IAQ, and establishes requirements for parent and/or employee notification of IAQevaluation findings.

Resources for Schools and Childcare Centers