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Policy and Procedure Manuals

Policy and Procedure Manuals

The Policy and Procedure Manuals of the Indiana State Cancer Registry serve as a reference for hospitals and other healthcare providers who report cases of malignant disease to the State Cancer Registry. Reporting entities are assigned a three-digit ID number by the State Cancer Registry. There are two separate Policy and Procedure Manuals, each directed to a particular audience. There is a Policy and Procedure Manual for hospitals, and one for all other facilities, which are referred to collectively as "non-hospitals."


Hospitals have ID numbers from 001 to 199.

2018 Policy and Procedure Manual

2016 Policy and Procedure Manual

2015 Policy and Procedure Manual


All other facilities and providers are considered non-hospitals.

Policy and Procedure Manual

Death Clearance

One of the tasks that ISCR performs annually is following back on any case where a death certificate indicates the patient died of cancer but which has not been reported to ISCR. Reporting facilities that may have information about these cases are requested to assist in this task. Facilities that use the ISCR FTP Program can use this program to respond these requests. The following document gives instructions for using the ISCR FTP Program for death clearance follow-back.

Follow-Back Instructions

For additional information, contact Marsha Lundy at mlundy@isdh.in.gov or 317-233-7158.