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Asthma Homepage


The mission of the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Chronic Respiratory Disease Section is to reduce the burden of asthma in Indiana.

The Chronic Respiratory Disease Section works to implement the State Asthma Plan. The State Asthma Plan guides the development and implementation of interventions that improve the health and quality of life of Hoosiers with asthma. The program also maintains a comprehensive surveillance system for the ongoing, systematic collection of asthma data. In addition to data collection, the system also allows for analysis and interpretation of asthma data, which is essential to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the program. 


Asthma Resource Guide 2019 and Impact of Asthma in Indiana Infographic...NOW AVAILABLE!

The Asthma Resource Guide was developed as a tool for patients, family members, and healthcare professionals as a one-stop resource for asthma, respiratory health, health insurance, and medical assistance information. Click here to view the Guide.  Click here to view the infographic. This document is updated regularly so please feel free to contact us at ISDHAsthma@isdh.IN.gov.

For Coordinated Federal Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Asthma Disparties, click picture below

President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children

Tips to help control asthma:

  • Maintain routine medical visits
  • Discuss  asthma symptoms, triggers, medications and side effects with a health care provider
  • Avoid smoking and being around others who are smoking
  • Take medications as prescribed by a health care provider
  • Work with  health care providers to create an Asthma Action Plan that includes information concerning daily treatment, medications, short and long-term control measures, and when to seek medical treatment
  • Ensure immediate access to quick-relief medication
  • Limit exposure to environmental triggers


Indiana State Department of Health
Chronic Respiratory Disease Program, Chronic Disease Division
2 North Meridian Street, Section 6B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone: (317) 234-7631
Fax: (317) 233-7805