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Office of Public Health Performance Management
The Office of Public Health Performance Management (OPHPM) is responsible for leading the agency’s efforts in:
> Accreditation Readiness
> Continuous Quality Improvement
> Performance Management
> Professional Development
> Strategic Thinking and Planning
> Workforce Development
Meet our Team!
Nicole Morley, BS; LDIF
Nicole Morley is a member of the Office of Public Health Performance Management at the Indiana State Department of Health. She serves as the Quality Improvement – Performance Management Coordinator. She is tasked with improving the way we provide public health services through the integration of continuous process improvement, providing quality improvement trainings, and measuring the performance of agency metrics outlined within the Strategic Plan, State Health Assessment, and State Health Improvement Plan. Nicole is a certified Lean Daily Improvement Facilitator, Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma, and Microsoft 365 Champion.
Eric Beers, BA
Workforce Development Coordinator
Eric Beers joined the agency in February of 2018 and is the Workforce Development Coordinator. He is responsible for managing the overall public health workforce development strategies of the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) including writing, implementing, and managing ISDH’s workforce development plan and managing ISDH’s e-learning platform. Eric is completing his Master's of Science in Positive Organizational Development and Change from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. He's passionate about understanding organizations as human systems, leadership development, and positive change.
Barb Killian, BA; JD
Regulatory Compliance and Policy Liason
Barb currently serves as the Regulatory Compliance and Policy Liaison within the Office of Public Health Performance Management. She has been practicing healthcare law since 1999, with a majority of her career spent representing hospitals and healthcare systems. Barb’s experience at the Indiana State Department of Health includes legislative, regulatory and policy matters which she actively used during her time on ISDH’s Special Counsel. She was actively involved in outbreak response matters, public health policy, education development, public speaking, legislative review and drafting, and supporting ISDH’s many program areas. Lastly, Barb serves on ISDH's Strategic Planning committee, Accreditation Committee, and is in the process of finalizing her Lean Practitioner certification to support ISDH’s process improvement initiatives.
Patricia Truelove, BS; LP
Accreditation Coordinator
Patricia Truelove started with ISDH in April of 2015 leading the agency in their journey to accreditation with a team consisting of about 50 staff members who assist in different roles. Patricia's background includes a degree in Accounting, with a minor in Criminal Justice, from the Kelley School of Business as well as a degree in Supply Chain Management and Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma from Purdue University. In addition to accreditation, Patricia participates in a number of quality improvement and workforce development initiatives. Patricia serves on the agency’s Quality Improvement Team, Metric's Team, State Health Assessment and Health Improvement Committee, Health Equity Council, and Leadership At All Levels Team. Patricia is co-leading the agency's Strategic Plan for 2021. Patricia earned her Lean Practitioner Certification in 2018 and helps facilitate Rapid Improvement Events in different program areas. During her free time, Patricia is active in her community and serves as a cub master for Cub Scout Pack 231 and is has been the troop leader with Girl Scout Troop 514 for over 6 years.
OPHPM 2019 Strategic Goals
1. Use a performance management system to monitor achievement of organizational objectives
2. Develop and implement QI processes integrated into organizational practice, programs, processes, and interventions
3. Build upon the workforce development infrastructure
4. Aligning the agency toward a shared vision
5. Communicate OPHPM's role and responsibilities
6. Ensure achievement of evidence base practices (Accreditation and assessment)
IDOH 2021-2025 Strategic Priorities
Indiana Department of Health: Agency Strategic Plan 2021-2025 | Strategic Plan One Page
Mission: To promote, protect, and improve the health and safety all Hoosiers.
Vision: Every Hoosier reaches their optimal health regardless of where they live, learn,work, or play.
- Health Equity: We place equity at the center of our work to ensure every Hoosier, regardless of individual characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion, has access to social and physical supports needed to promote health from birth through end of life
- Innovation: We continue to learn, research evidence-informed practices, advance our services, and be open to new methods, ideas, and products that help build and expand upon the services we provide.
- Communication: We provide stakeholders and the public accurate and up-to-date scientific data and provide education
- Integrity: We are honest, trustworthy, and transparent. We uphold our standards and do the right things to achieve the best public health and safety outcomes.
Health services and outcomes
Goal 1: Ensure access to high quality, evidence-based, and continuously improving services and resources that reduce health disparities and proactively address public health threats, leading to equitable outcomes.
Partnerships and collaborations
Goal 2: Implement a statewide, collaborative approach to improving Indiana’s health outcomes.
Operational excellence
Goal 3: Improve staff, customer, and partner experiences with consistent, efficient, effective, and data-driven services and work processes.
Workforce stability
Goal 4: Attract and retain a dedicated, knowledgeable, and diverse workforce to support strong public health outcomes in Indiana.
Financial stewardship and sustainability
Goal 5: Improve financial infrastructure, management, and data-informed decision making.