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Q. When does the application cycle open for the ISDH Internship programs?

A. Typically, the application cycle opens in March, June and October. There may be times when additional internship opportunities are announced outside of the normal cycle.                                                                                                          

Q. How do I know when a program is accepting applications?

A. ISDH will send announcements to universities as well as post internship opportunities on the ISDH website as they become available.  Please visit the ISDH website frequently for updates. (https://www.in.gov/isdh/26432.htm) You may also opt-in to our Internship distribution list. Internship announcements are made 4-6 times per year to this email list. (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ISDHInternsandFellows)

Q.   Where are internships located?  

A.  Most internship placements are located at the Indiana State Department of Health’s offices at 2 N Meridian St Indianapolis, IN. Depending on the program areas; some may be located at other ISDH locations around the state.

Q.   What qualifications do I need to meet the program requirements?  

A. Applicants accepted to the ISDH Internship program must be currently enrolled at a college or university, have a strong academic performance, and must be pursuing a degree in public health or a related field.

Q.  Am I eligible to apply for an internship if I am graduating the same summer?

A. Yes, you are eligible to apply to an internship for the summer, if you are graduating during the spring and summer semesters.

Q. How do I know if I am selected for the internship?

A. You will receive an email from the specific division at ISDH that manages the internship that you applied to.