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State Health Assessment

The State Health Assessment (SHA) was conducted using a multi-pronged approach including: community health status assessment, assessment of previous assessments, review of existing agency plans, community engagement/key informant interviews, SWOT assessment, and forces of change analysis.


1. Community Health Staus Assessment

In the spring of 2017, ISDH compiled a list of indicators assembled from a variety of sources including: Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators, County Health Rankings, most commonly requested indicators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as other internal datasets and registries such as birth/death data, National Violent Death Reporting System (NVRDS), Indiana Trauma Registry, and Indiana Stats Explorer. These data were pulled by the epidemiologists at ISDH. The IHIP steering committee reviewed and analyzed over 90 variables to reflect the spectrum of health indicators deemed important by the public health system. The chosen priority indicators are described further in this document with descriptive analysis.


2. Review of State Agency Plans

A team from ISDH met with subject matter experts to review objectives and strategies to improve the health of Hoosiers. A review of planning documents from other state agencies was helpful in understanding the initiatives and strategies already being conducted or planned for the near future. A concerted effort was made to ensure that the data, activities, and strategies in this SHA and SHIP are aligned with other local, state, and national improvement efforts.


3. Assessment of Assessments

A small team from ISDH conducted an environmental scan to collect existing community health needs assessments (CHA), primarily from Indiana hospitals and local health departments. Assessments were included if they met the regulatory requirements for the IRS rules regarding Charitable 501(c)(3) Hospitals, they were less than three years old, and they included primary data collection. More than 100 assessments were reviewed, representing populations from all 92 Indiana counties. The identified priority health needs were recorded and coded into an Excel spreadsheet.

Assessment Indicators

Select from the list below to preview indicators provided in the State Health Assessment