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State Health Improvement Plan
Welcome to the State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan (SHA/SHIP) annual report:
This interactive report allows users to choose priorities, goals, and objectives to see how Indiana is making progress on our most challenging health concerns. The activities in the interactive report below are accomplishments that have actually occurred this year in our state, and may be different than, or in addition to, the activities originally conceived. Public health is always evolving—so should the activities and strategies employed to keep Indiana safe and healthy. In the past year, the priorities of the SHIP have not changed, however after consulting with subject matter experts, some approaches to addressing those priorities should be reexamined. Examples include: adding maternal mortality strategies and measures in Flagship Priority 1, more focused strategies and activities on local public health infrastructure (and measuring that!), and health inequities and disparities throughout the SHIP.
Some objectives and strategies may have no reported activities included in this report. This could mean we have not received reports of those accomplishments yet, or it could mean that those activities did not happen this year, and timelines need to be reconsidered.
Please explore our interactive report below and let us know what you think still belongs and what should be changed/evolved in 2019-2020. Use the links at the bottom of the page to leave your thoughts and feedback and to report on activities your organization has done to help achieve our goals.
Check back in late summer 2019 to see how Indiana’s SHIP has evolved.
The flagship priorities within the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) were chosen due to their potential to impact Indiana’s most pressing health issues. The priorities address Indiana’s top ten causes of death, the top needs identified from the review of statewide assessments, and many of the concerns key informants brought up in interviews.
The final Strategic Health Improvement Priorities are:
Improve birth outcomes and reduce infant mortality
Address the opioid epidemic
Reduce rates of chronic disease
Improve the public health infrastructure
These flagship public health priorities reflect the importance of healthy living as a necessary condition for achieving and maintaining good health and happiness. Yet an individual’s ability to live healthfully is influenced by his/her environmental conditions, i.e., social determinants of health. One’s ZIP code can have more impact on health outcomes than one’s genetic code. Adequate transportation, educational attainment, income, housing, social support and safe neighborhoods are necessary foundations for the health of people and communities. Not every Hoosier has the same opportunities for achieving optimal health. Disparities in health status are evident in the data supporting each of the flagship priorities.
Therefore, each flagship priority in the ISHIP addresses social determinants of health and elements of health equity. In February 2018, ISDH worked with subject matter experts to gather evidence and practice-based strategies to address the priority indicators identified in the State Health Assessment. Action teams started by choosing goals, strategies, and objectives that define areas of impact for each flagship issue over the next four years. The proposed strategies and goals were reviewed by subject matter experts and action teams between February and April during a series of in-person and virtual meetings. They were then released for public comment using social media and email. Respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with the outlined strategies to address the flagship issues. The majority of the goals and strategies in this plan directly align with Indiana’s disease specific improvement plans that meet the rigorous planning standards of the SHA and SHIP.
We want to hear from you! Please use these links below to describe the activities, success stories, and accomplishments your organization has completed as it relates to the SHIP. We be continuously collecting and updating SHIP wins and barriers, and update them here on ISDH website.