Main Content
Important Resources for Clients, Health Professionals and Employers
Resources for Individuals Living with Diabetes in Indiana
- Living with Type 2 Diabetes Program (Free Digital Program - ADA)
- Indiana Tobacco Quitline
- Stop Diabetes INsight Interview [Video]
- Diabetes Self Management Education
- Application for Insulin and Township Claim - A form for Indiana residents who are in need of insulin and who are financially unable to purchase it. To be completed by the physician and local county health officer. - Document
Resources for Health Care Providers
- ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes (2019)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT)
- National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK)
Resources for Employers
Diabetes in Schools
Professional Organizations
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
- American Diabetes Association (ADA)
- Indiana AADE Network
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF)
Safe Syringe/Needle Disposal
- Indiana Recommendations for Safe Needle Disposal
- Protect Yourself, Protect Others - Safe Options for Home Needle Disposal
- Safe Needle Disposal