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Downtown Development Week

From October 7 to 12, OCRA wants to join all Indiana towns and cities in celebrating their downtowns during the second annual Downtown Development Week (DDW). This week we want to honor cities and towns’ commitment to preserve and invest in the heart of the community – their downtown!  Indiana downtowns are many things, and some of them include:

  • a central commercial district,
  • a prominent employment center,
  • the historic core of the community,
  • the community gathering place,
  • local business incubator,
  • a significant community tax base,
  • and most importantly, a reflection of community image, pride and prosperity.

During this week, we challenge all our partners to celebrate their downtowns by sponsoring events, activities, festivals, parades, business promotions, restaurant deals, or a combination of a few activities to highlight the best of their downtowns. The sky’s the limit!

Tell us you are celebrating

We are starting the countdown to our favorite week of the year- Downtown Development Week! And as a part of our celebration, we want to celebrate alongside you and help promote all of your planned events. Whether these activities are taking place especially for DDW or not, we want it to be a special time for ALL Hoosiers to visit their downtowns and commercial cores. It’s not too late to plan an event if you haven’t already.
Event possibilities are endless! It doesn’t have to be a big or expensive activity that takes over your entire town. Transform regular activities, such as a farmers market, into a downtown themed event. Don’t be shy about celebrating and showcasing all of the great things that make your community and your downtown unique!

Click this link and complete the form for each planned event. Continue to send us your events. Indiana loves celebrating and showcasing all of the great things that make us Hoosiers!



Grant Opportunity

Downtown Development Week is an excellent opportunity to showcase all of the positive activities and investments that are happening in your downtown!  Focus on activities that celebrate your community’s unique downtown heritage as well as acknowledging and supporting all the businesses and services that are an integral part of your downtown. 
To help with your DDW event or activity, the Office of Community and Rural Affairs awarded five DDW promotion grants in June. Each event MUST take place the week of October 7 – 12, 2019, in your community’s downtown area and be open to the public.
“Last year’s inaugural Downtown Development Week was warmly welcomed with more than 30 communities across the state hosting events, said Jodi Golden, Executive Director of OCRA. “We are excited that these five awarded communities are working to make their downtowns a major stimulator for economic growth and talent retention.”

2019 Awarded Grants

City of Bedford, $1,000 
Bedford Revitalization, Inc. has planned a week-long celebration on the Downtown Square to celebrate the heart of Bedford and highlight the completion of the Stellar Communities projects which began in 2014. The events feature city and county government, local merchants and the County Museum that will bring the entire community together.

Town of Edinburgh, $1,000
The Town of Edinburgh will celebrate the week with six days of specials and events that provide a positive impact to the downtown business district, celebrate the local harvest season and bring families together downtown for fun activities unique to Edinburgh.

City of Jeffersonville, $1,000
The Great Downtown Jeffersonville Scavenger Hunt Adventure is a one-day event during Downtown Development Week that Jeffersonville Main Street is organizing to celebrate the ongoing downtown revitalization. During the event, visitors will explore downtown Jeffersonville and learn about the businesses, history and sense of place found in the heart of downtown.

Town of Knightstown, $1,000
Knightstown Main Street will hold an all-day event to celebrate the new businesses on the town square. The event will include a children pumpkin carving contest and a local favorite rock band, Dr. Rock and the Rollers, will entertain attendees.

City of Monticello, $550
The Streets of Monticello Association will celebrate the "We Love Our Downtown" event on October 8, 2019 to recognize and celebrate downtown businesses and gathering spaces. The community will enjoy food, fun and fellowship while supporting the beautiful downtown Monticello.


2018 Grants

In July 2018, OCRA announced that five projects were selected, from 24 submitted applications, to receive a $1,000 grant to fund planned celebrations during this week.

City of Decatur
To celebrate Downtown Development Week, the city will highlighted recent investments in their downtown that includes: renovations, new streetscapes, upgraded facades, new street lights and a new festival plaza.

City of Fairmount
Main Street Fairmount will host a three-day event celebrating the completion of the first phase of their Main Street Revitalization Program grant. The event will recognize and celebrate the partnership between the Town of Fairmount and Main Street Fairmount along with celebrating businesses, service and veterans organizations and individuals who have supported downtown Fairmount.

City of Greenfield, and the Town of Fortville
Greenfield Main Street Inc. and Fortville Action Inc. are partnering to host scavenger hunts in each community throughout the week. Both scavenger hunts will incorporate each community’s unique history and cultural features. 

City of Kendallville
Experience the Heart of Kendallville will be hosting various activities during Downtown Development Week to include storefront window decorating contest and a downtown celebration.

City of Madison
The Madison Main Street Program will have a week of action-packed events for community members and visitors to learn and appreciate downtown Madison’s history and architecture.  Events include a window display contest, special menus at downtown restaurants, a pumpkin carving contest as well, as a Micro-Mini-Marathon, which encourages people to dress in costume.

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