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Currently not accepting applications at this time
HCI is intended for self-identified communities with a total population of 25,000 or less that want to develop a new generation of local leaders; build a supportive community environment for small business and entrepreneurs; or invest in place through creative quality of life initiatives related to public spaces, design, local foods, and tourism among others. A core principle of HCI is that broad-based input and buy-in is vital to the long-term success and sustainability of all community development initiatives.
Each community moves through the HCI process in three phases:
HCI Communities
Each HCI communities are at varying stages of executing their projects. They include:
Generation 5
- Albion
- Angola
- Cumberland
- Washington
- Brown County
Generation 4
- Bremen
- Crawford County
Generation 3
- Decatur
- Logansport
Generation 2
- Auburn
- Orange County
- Spencer County
- Vermillion County
Generation 1
- Corydon
- Lebanon
- Seymour
- Perry County
- Pulaski County
- Rush County
- Quarterly reports
- Closeout report