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COVID-19 Resources

The Office of Community and Rural Affairs is in on-going communication with Governor Holcomb and Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch as welll as the Indiana State Department of Health. Everyone is closely monitoring and receiving real-time information on this rapidly evolving situation. For immediate and up-to-date information on Coronavirus in Indiana, please visit in.gov/coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issues guidelines on how to stay safe and what to do if you're sick, visit cdc.gov.

General questions from the public or health care provider inquiries about COVID-19 may be directed to the ISDH COVID-19 Call Center at the toll-free number 877-826-0011 (available 24/7) or e-mail epiresource@isdh.in.gov.

We are updating this page frequently so please keep checking back for the latest information.

State Resources

Federal Resources

Main Street and Small Business 

COVID-19 Emergency Loans: Small Business Guide and Checklist

Main Street America

Small Business Administration

  • Guidance for businesses and employers to plan and respond to COVID-19: www.SBA.gov/coronavirus 
  • For no-cost, one-on-one business counseling regarding COVID-19 and other matters, contact SBA Resource Partners: www.SBA.gov/local-assistance
  • To sign up to get updates on SBA information - click here
  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) 
    • EIDL Fact Sheet 
    • Step-by-step guide to applying for the SBA EIDL can be found here
    • Documentation Required: small businesses will need prior years' tax returns, monthly P&Ls during the eligible period for Economic Injury, previous monthly P&Ls if possible for comparison, list of all fixed debts, personal finances, anything that can be documented to show ongoing or anticipated economic injury from the COVID-19 pandemic. 
    • If businesses need help with the application/required documentation, each out to their local SBDC office

Broadband resources

Governor Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-05 prohibiting providers of essential utility services including broadband and telecom from discontinuing service to any customer during the public health emergency. if you’re a provider that would like to include additional information, please contact nlc@ocra.in.gov.

Weekly Calls

Main Street members - Thursdays, 11 AM ET, held every other week

Municipal Leaders - Temporarily suspended

County Commissioners

What can you do to help?

Give Blood
Governor Holcomb has announced that blood supplies are low and has encouraged Hoosiers who can donate blood to visit local blood centers. Please follow the guidance at redcross.org. For central Indiana, visit Versiti Blood Center of Indiana. 

Shop Local
#ShopLocal to support our local business community. Order carryout and delivery (travel to pick up food from restaurants or food providers is currently permitted, and encouraged!), shop online from your favorite local retailer or boutique, and purchase gift cards online to redeem in the future.  

Stay Home
Even if you don’t have any symptoms If you’re not feeling well, please stay home to avoid spreading your illness to others. And it’s even more important that if you don’t have any symptoms, you stay home, too. It’s more important than ever to keep our community healthy and safe. When you do go out, practice social distancing which is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19. 

Check In On Your Neighbors
Check on your neighbors, especially senior citizens and those with preexisting medical conditions, to make sure that they are doing well. Offer to pick up medications and groceries to help them reduce exposure. 

Vertical Hangouts
Are you missing your friends or family while social distancing? Try setting up virtual workouts, happy hours, lunches or coffee dates! 

Take Care Of Your Mental Health
While it’s important to take care of others, it’s critical that you are also taking care of yourself. Get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air—go for a hike, ride a bike, fly a kite, and unplug in nature. DNR properties, including Indiana State Parks and Inns, remain open. Visit DNR.in.gov to find a local activity or park!  As of March 22, entrance fees at all properties are temporarily suspended. As this fluid situation changes, find all the most current information from DNR online here

If you or a loved one need mental health support, free resources are available at HaveHope.com, LookUpIndiana.org and SuicidePreventionLifeline.org. If you have immediate concerns or are in danger, call 911.

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