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Quick Impact Placebased (QuIP) Grant
This grant is designed to fund the type of space enhancement and community transformation that sparks community wide conversation and creativity. It is OCRA's belief that these types of social and built environments should occur at the local level and be community driven. It is the people, places and spaces that make Indiana a great place to live. Placemaking involves a working partnership with local governments, residents, community groups, and organizations as well as business and community agencies. OCRA encourages these projects to be community unique and locally inspired. The most competitive applications will demonstrate a strong partnership.
New in 2020
2020 QUIP awards have been announced! Click here to view the list.
A new partnership with the Indiana Arts Commission will earmark additional funding for arts focused projects. In addition to OCRA’s funding, IAC will provide an enhanced programmatic opportunity, while also increasing the total number of fundable projects. The Indiana Arts Commission will provide additional funding to directly support public art projects that reflect the identity of its community and meet the following funding priorities:
- Located within an Indiana Main Street community (Main Street must be lead applicant);
- Located in a county with a population of 50,000 or less;
- Has never been a grantee of the IAC;
- The public art project involves an artist(s), with at least some project funds directed to support their effort; and,
- First (or one of the first) public art initiatives in the community.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to partner with an artist, arts organization, or arts provider (e.g. arts administrator, arts educator) in the project design and implementation and will receive bonus points. Grants requests must be between $2,500 - $5,000, and for each QuIP dollar requested the match must be $.50. The match may be either cash, in-kind contributions, or a combination of both.
Applicants are encouraged to initially contact their respective Community Liaison to discuss the project; or you may connect with the Indiana Arts Commission (Paige Sharp) or the OCRA Project Manager (Colette Childress) to discuss project eligibility and competitiveness.
- Paige Sharp, Indiana Arts Commission
- Colette Childress, OCRA
Awarded projects will receive up to two complimentary registrations to the 2020 Indiana Arts Homecoming, which is scheduled for October 15 and 16 in Columbus, Indiana.
2020 Timeline
Application period is now closed.
- Awards announced: Thursday, April 2
- Funding period (executed grant agreement date): December 31
This application round will be coordinated and co-funded by OCRA and IAC. Upon conclusion of the review process, selected applications will be funded by either one or both of the agencies, as applicable. Applicants will be notified at the time of selection announcement which agency will contract with the selected project. Only applicants funded and contracted through IAC will work directly with the IAC during project implementation, as needed, and complete the IAC’s final report.
Eligible applicants include:
In order to apply for this grant, applicants must have a documented partnership for the proposed project.
- Community groups or organizations
- Local units of government
- Designated Indiana Main Street program
- Non-profit organization, 501 (c)(3) status
- Schools (all schools including elementary through high school, college, university, trade and vocational)
Each applicant must have the legal right or allowance to alter, change, add to any structure or place in the project scope − documentation of ownership or approval of stated activity must be submitted with application-copy of successful bidder registration should be included with the attachments at the end of the application.
Each applicant must be able to serve as a fiscal agent and register with the State as a bidder. The bidder process necessitates a bank account in the name of the lead applicant or organization.
Please note: grantees awarded a QuIP in 2017, 2018 or 2019, you are not eligible to apply in 2020.
Eligible projects examples: (This should not serve as an inclusive list - please be unique)
- Alley activation/ art alley
- Creative project to showcase community identity
- Enhancement of existing or underutilized public assets into a new or usable space
- Pop-up public gathering spots
- Transforming vacant store fronts
- Project-based learning
- Decoration or transformation of vacant store fronts
- Shipping container repurpose
- Public art project that showcases the community identity to include:
Artwork on electrical boxes, trashcans, dumpsters, benches, bridges or other existing objects;
Artwork in or on store front (business, library, etc.) windows;
Artistic lighting installation;
Crosswalk art;
Artist designed and fabricated bicycle racks or benches;
Yarn bombing (e.g., trees);
Artist designed and fabricated wayfinding.
The list of eligible projects could be endless! These dollars should be used to create a small change that spurs conversation and community engagement. The space should be transformedin some way for the better. Existing and underutilized assets should include a new or additional use. Art can be an overall component of your community transformation and used as an agent of change.
Ineligible projects include:
- Administration fees, including grant writing or administration;
- Demolition;
- Events;
- Food, drink or alcohol;
- Gaming and/or gambling activities;
- Illegal or unsanctioned activities;
- One-time use activities or products;
- Plants, greenery, shrubs or anything of that nature;
- Expansion of a previous QuIP awarded project;
- Public restrooms;
- Salaries;
- Small funding portion of a much larger project - grant amount cannot be less than 10% of total project cost (Ex: request for $5,000 of a $75,000 project would be ineligible);
- Spaces that are not open to the public;
- Taxes
Previous Awards
As a reminder, grantees awarded a QuIP in 2017, 2018 or 2019, you are not eligible to apply in 2020.
Learn more about the program
Application Forms:
- Line item budget
- Educator
- Partner
- Support
- W-9 (if awarded)
- Direct Deposit: Download Form: 47551 (fillable PDF) (if awarded)
If your QUIP will be located in a historical district, you must complete the following forms:
- Determination of Eligibility on National Register (Form 56286)
- Instructions for Application for Certificate of Approval (Form 52889)
Any questions related to the forms above should be directed to (317) 232-1646 or
Applicants are encouraged to initially contact their respective Community Liaison to discuss the project; or you may connect with the Indiana Arts Commission (Paige Sharp) or the OCRA Project Manager (Colette Childress) to discuss project eligibility and competitiveness.
- Paige Sharp, Indiana Arts Commission
- Colette Childress, OCRA
QUIP Reporting
- Quarterly Report
- Closeout Report - OCRA
- IAC Closeout Report - Grantees will submit a “Final Grant Report” through the IAC online system.
- Final Report Worksheet