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Fee Schedule

Licensure by Examination

Licensure by Endorsement

License Renewal (April 1st of even numbered years)
$134.00 (includes Indiana University fee)

Fee to Indiana University
Based upon IC 25-24-2-3, in addition to the biennial licensure fee, each licensed optometrist shall pay, at the time of payment of the biennial licensure fee each even-numbered year, an additional fee of thirty-four dollars ($34). The additional fee is paid to Indiana University to be used for the advancement of optometrical research and the maintenance and support of the department in which the science of optometry is taught at the university.

Inactive License Renewal
$84.00  (includes Indiana University fee)

Late Renewal Penalty Fee

Reinstatement of Inactive License

Verification of Licensure to Another State

Duplicate Wall License

Issuance of an Optometric Legend Drug Certificate

Renewal of an Optometric Legend Drug Certificate