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PLA staff pose with Lieutenant Governor, Suzanne Crouch during the integration press conference at Deaconess Hospital.
PLA staff pose with Evansville Mayor, Lloyd Winnecke, at a Deaconess Hospital press conference for the integration of INSPECT into electronic health records.
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency receives Champion Award and Per Capita – Bronze Award during the 2017 State Employees' Community Campaign Awards Ceremony. 


Gregg Munson and Jim Chapman recieve Sagamore of the Wabash awards presented by Senator Torr.

IPLA Executive Director, Deborah J. Frye, receives Sagamore of the Wabash award presented by Governor Mike Pence.


Governor Mike Pence held a ceremonial bill signing at the IPLA office for Senate Enrolled Act 421. He signed this legislation into law, which streamlines licensure operations for all Hoosier licensees.
IPLA received the SECC Champion Award from Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann. The State Employees’ Community Campaign, which is an annual charity campaign administered by state employees, recognized the agency for having more than 20 percent of the employees donate at the top tier.
Nick Rhoad, Executive Director of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, presented former Indiana Real Estate Commission Chairman Tim Reed with a Sagamore of the Wabash on behalf of Governor Mike Pence. Tim dedicated over two decades of his career to serving the commission. He is a servant leader who worked to increase the professional standards of Indiana’s real estate licensees and protect the most important financial transaction Hoosiers make in their lives.
Greg Fredenburgh was recognized by Nick Rhoad, Executive Director of IPLA, and staff for serving the state for 40 years. 
Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann judged PLA's Holiday Office Decorating Contest. The winners were Amanda Ezell (left) and Andrea Wade (right).
During the holiday season, PLA led fundraisers and raised money within the agency to donate canned/dried goods to Community Caring & Sharing, Midwest Food Bank and Anna's House. Pictured is one of the drop-offs to Midwest Food Bank.