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Members of the Indiana Board of Pharmacy

The Indiana Board of Pharmacy consists of seven members appointed by the governor for terms of four years.  Six members must be pharmacists in good standing of recognized experience and ability from varied practice settings who hold a current license to practice pharmacy in Indiana; one of these pharmacists must be a practicing hospital pharmacist. The seventh member represents the general public, being a resident of Indiana and someone who has never been associated with pharmacy in anyway other than as a consumer. 

Steven Anderson, R.Ph., President
Winnie Landis, R.Ph.

Mark Smosna, R.Ph., Vice President
Matt Balla., R.Ph.,
Jason Jablonski, R.Ph.
Mark Bunton, R.Ph.
Vacant, Consumer Member


You may direct correspondence to a Board member by sending it to the Board office at the following address or by e-mail at pla4@pla.IN.gov:

Indiana Board of Pharmacy
Attn: [Board Member]
402 W. Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204