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Pharmacy Technician Information


  • Approved Pharmacy Technician Teaching Programs: 
  • Anyone wanting to train a future technician in their pharmacy MUST have a program approved by the Board.
  • The listing of programs has been replaced with actual license numbers for each program.  Please go to PLA's Search and Verify. and click on the Facility link to look up all Pharmacy Technician Teaching Programs that have been approved by the Board.
  • Anyone wishing to start a program must submit to the Indiana Board of Pharmacy the following application State Form 55849, Application for Approval of Pharmacy Technician Training Program.
    • Please include all supplemental information requested in the application to ensure timely review and approval by the Board.  The Board requires all teaching material, including books that will be used (will not be returned unless you include a request and prepaid package); must include at least 160 hours of experiential training and how it will be completed.
    • Send all information to the Board in hard-copy form to:
Pharmacy Technician Training Program Review
Indiana Board of Pharmacy
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
402 West Washington Street, W072
Indianapolis, IN 46204