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Continuing Education Requirements


All active licensees who were valid for less than twelve (12) months, no continuing competency is required for renewal.  If the license is valid for twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) months, nine (9) hours of continuing competency is required for renewal. If the license was valid for twenty-four (24) months, eighteen (18) hours of continuing competency is required for renewal. Nine (9) hours must be Category I courses; not more than nine (9) hours may be earned through Category II credits.  IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED YOUR CC – do not renew your license until you have met the requirements.

Continuing Education Requirements

Eighteen (18) hours of continuing competency are required for each license renewal.

Programs MUST be approved by the Committee or be sponsored by one of the following:

    1. American Occupational Therapy Association or AOTA approved providers.
    2. National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy. 
    3. Indiana Occupational Therapy Association or IOTA approved providers.

Continuing competency hours must be obtained within the biennial renewal period; and may not be carried over from one (1) licensure period to another.

If a license or certificate is valid for less than twelve (12) months, no continuing competency is required for renewal. If the license or certificate is valid for twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) months, nine (9) hours of continuing competency is required for renewal.

Audits for compliance with continuing competency requirements and actions regarding noncompliance will be conducted as provided for in IC 25-1-4.

A license or certificate holder must do the following:

    1. Certify completion of continuing competency required by this rule at the time of license renewal. 
    2. Retain verification of completion of continuing competency required by this rule for three (3) years after the last renewal date. 
    3. Present verification of completion of continuing competency required by this rule at the request of the committee.

During each two (2) year license period, an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant must complete at least eighteen (18) hours of continuing competency of which at least nine (9) hours must be in Category I courses.

An occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant may not earn more than nine (9) Category II credit hours towards the requirements under this section.

All eighteen (18) hours of the continuing competency requirements may be obtained through distance learning methods provided it is obtained from an approved provider.

Category I continuing competency courses include the following and must be at least one (1) contact hour in length:

    1. Formally organized courses. 
    2. Workshops. 
    3. Seminars. 
    4. Symposia. 
    5. Home study programs, including approved online or web-based, audio, and video instructional programs. 
    6. Undergraduate or graduate courses from an accredited institution related to the management, practice, and education of occupational therapy.

Category II continuing competency activities include the following:

    1. Publications of books, articles, or films related to practice, management, or education of occupational therapy. A maximum of five (5) contact hours will be awarded under this subdivision. 
    2. Preparation for teaching a course in occupational therapy in an accredited program. A maximum of six (6) contact hours will be awarded under this subdivision. 
    3. Supervision of fieldwork for Level I and Level II students. One (1) contact hour will be awarded for every thirty-two (32) hours of supervision with a maximum of six (6) contact hours. 
    4. In-house or in-service seminars specifically designed for training or teaching. 
    5. Actively participating with professional organizations as an officer or committee chairperson. 
    6. Supervising occupational therapy students when doing their observational hours as a pre-OT student applicant. 
    7.  Research activities other than publications and presentations.

Continuing education courses offered by accredited colleges are acceptable for purposes of this rule if the course content is designed to directly enhance the practitioner's knowledge and skill in providing services relevant to the practice of occupational therapy.

The following conversion will be used for this type of credit:

    1. One (1) semester hour equals fifteen (15) contact hours.
    2. One (1) quarter hour equals ten (10) contact hours.

CE Sponsor Information

Individuals or organizations applying for approval as sponsors of category I continuing competency courses must submit a written application for approval at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the individual's or organization's presentation of a program for continuing competency credit.

Programs presented:

    1. Prior to the receipt of approval; or 
    2. After the withdrawal or termination of approval of the individual or organization;
      by the committee shall not count toward continuing competency requirements.

The written request for approval shall include the following:

    1. The name of the sponsoring individual or organization. 
    2. The address and telephone number of the individual or organization. 
    3. Organizations must include a description of the specific purposes for which the organization was formed, and individuals in the organization with direct responsibility for the training activities of the organization, a vita or resume listing all educational and relevant work experience.
    4. For individuals, a vita or resume listing all educational and relevant work experience. 
    5. A list of each educational program presented or sponsored by the individual or organization for one (1) year prior to the date of the request for approval. 
    6. For each program listed under subdivision (5), the following must be included: the date and location of the program; a brief summary of the content of the program; the name and the academic and professional background of the lecturer; the number of clock hours of continuing education credit granted by a state licensing or similar regulatory authority for the program.
    7. A description of the course evaluation technique utilized for all educational programs. 
    8. A sample of the certificate awarded for the completion of all educational programs, if available. 
    9. A list of all programs anticipated to be presented or sponsored during the requested approval period, if available. 
    10. A description of the procedure to be utilized for monitoring and documenting attendance.

The individual or organization is responsible for monitoring attendance in such a way that verification of attendance throughout the program can be reliably assured.

Approval of the individual or organization will be valid for a maximum period of two (2) years. The individual or organization is responsible for applying to the committee for approval.