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License Application and Renewal


What do I need to do to get a home inspector license?

Information on applying for a home inspector license can be found on the Home Inspector homepage and in the License Law and Administrative Rules.

Is there a fee to apply for a home inspector license?

Yes. There is a nonrefundable fifty dollar ($50.00) fee to apply for a home inspector license.

Is the education I have taken acceptable for application as a home inspector?

The Home Inspectors Licensing Board and the IPLA cannot pre-approve education prior to application. If you are unsure if the education you have taken meets requirements, please consult the licensure law compilation.


When does my home inspector license need to be renewed?

The home inspector license expires on October 1 of every odd-numbered year. Renewal begins sixty (90) days prior to the date of expiration, and license renewal can be done any time during that period.

What is the renewal fee?

For home inspector license renewal, the fee is four hundred dollars ($50.00) if renewal is done before expiration. For renewal after expiration there is an additional fifty dollar ($50.00) late fee.