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Frequently Asked Questions for CBC

Frequently Asked Questions
Criminal Background Check Process


Why do I have to submit to the CBC after I apply?
The board may only review a CBC record for a person applying for a license.  If a person has not applied for a license, the board and its staff are prohibited by law from reviewing the record.  Since we are prohibited from reviewing the CBC, the CBC report is closed upon receipt without review and may not be accessed again by staff.  The boards also require the most recent criminal history available; as such, a CBC occurring days or weeks before an application is incomplete.  Boards will disregard a criminal record with a date prior to the application submission date and you will be required to resubmit your fingerprints and pay the CBC fee again.  There are no exceptions to this rule even if there is only a short amount of time between the criminal record check and the application submission date.  Once you receive the email notice from the board that your application has been processed, you are eligible to submit to the CBC. 

What happens if my fingerprints are rejected?
Approximately two percent (2%) of all applicants will have a fingerprint “rejection”.  Rejections occur when the fingerprints captured were of a low or poor quality. Upon your first rejection, an automatic email will be sent to you notifying you of the rejection and provide instructions for resubmission at no additional charge.  If you receive two FBI rejections within the last three months, the State will submit a “name search” in lieu of the fingerprint search.  A name search may require six (6) weeks or more to process.  If you receive a State rejection, you will get an email instructing you to be re-fingerprinted.

Why do I have to submit to a criminal background check (“CBC”)?
Prior to the new law, the State required applicants to self-disclose all criminal history.  In 2011, the Indiana General Assembly mandated that all healthcare professionals be criminally background checked prior to being issued a license.
What happens if there is no criminal record?
If you meet all other requirements for licensure, your license will be issued.

What happens if you find a criminal record?
The board has the discretion to either approve your application without any further action or request your appearance in front of the board to discuss the matter further.  If a personal appearance is requested, the board may request supplemental information from you including an explanation of the criminal event(s) and disposition documentation.  If you do not have the information in your possession, you can obtain the documents from the court or law enforcement agency of record that processed the matter.  This is the same process that applicants underwent when criminal history was self-disclosure only.  

What is the “application submission date”?
Your license application submission date is the date of the email notice you receive informing you that your application has been received. Online applicants application submission date is the date of the receipt which appears on the screen after submitting their online application and payment.

Since I didn’t know I had to wait until after I applied to get a CBC, can I get my money back?
No.  Per the instructions on the board’s website and the warning screen on the MorphoTrust website where you schedule your fingerprinting, you should not schedule a fingerprinting before submitting your licensure application.  IPLA does not receive the money for the CBC and is not authorized to permit refunds.  In fact, most of the CBC record fee goes to the FBI and the FBI does not provide refunds.

If I fail my exam, do I have to submit to another CBC?
Yes.  Any time you are required by the board to resubmit a new licensure application, you will also be required to submit to a new CBC.

Can I submit the criminal background check conducted by my employer?
No. The State requires current CBC information and all applicant background checks must be uniform.

Does any other state besides Indiana require criminal background checks?
Yes.  Indiana is not the only state that requires criminal background checks for healthcare professionals.  For example, thirty one (31) states currently require CBC’s for nurses to receive a license.  In addition, many employers and The Joint Commission already require these checks.

Can you share my criminal background information with the public?
No.  The record is confidential and may not be disclosed to the public.

Will my fingerprints be retained?
Yes.  But your criminal background check will not be updated or revisited by the board unless you submit to another CBC at the directive of the board.

Will I be checked every renewal?

Where does the money go when I pay for my CBC?
The cost is $38.20 per applicant which goes into the following accounts: the State’s general fund, the FBI, and to the vendor (MorphoTrust) that secures the fingerprints.

How long will it take for the agency to receive the results of my CBC?
The CBC record is typically processed by the federal government within seventy two (72) to ninety six (96) hours after your fingerprinting.  Out-of-state applicants take longer at about seven (7) to ten (10) days. That being said, the FBI is currently backed up from an influx of applications, and applicants should expect CBC records to be processed and submitted to IPLA a few weeks after submission. IPLA has no way of speeding this process up as it is contingent on the federal government. Also of note, the board does not issue the license upon receipt of the CBC record. The board considers the remainder of your application requirements, and the record itself must be reviewed and processed by staff in the order it is received in the office.  For higher volume boards like nursing (1,000 new applications each month), there may be additional delays.

Will juvenile records appear on my record?
No.  Juvenile records are sealed and will not appear on your record.

Will matters that were submitted to diversion appear?
Yes.  This criminal record may be considered by the board.