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Litigation and Compliance Information

Indiana Professional Licensing
Attn: Nursing Compliance
402 West Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Staff Phone Number: (317) 234-2043
Staff Email: pla2@pla.in.gov
Agency Fax: (317) 233-4236

Compliance/Litigation Information

  • Attorneys must enter a written appearance with the Board. If you are not licensed to practice law in the State of Indiana, you must file a pro hac vice request with your appearance.
  • PLEASE READ YOUR ORDER! Your order will indicate exactly what steps you need to take in order to request withdrawal from a probationary status or reinstatement from a suspension status.
  • If you want to come off of probation or suspension, you must submit a request in writing. You do not automatically get to come off of probation or suspension when you have met all of the stipulations in your order. By law, you must have a hearing to do so. Once you have submitted this written request, your case will be set for a hearing, and you will be sent a hearing notice as to when this hearing will take place. Due to the very busy nature of the Board, it may take several months to be set for hearing.
  • Keep all contact information –including your physical street address and email address- current with IPLA. Failure to do so could result in you not receiving your hearing notice or other important documents from our office. Please visit mylicense.in.gov and follow the login instructions to update your address 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • If you are requesting to withdraw probation or to be reinstated and ISNAP was part a requirement of your Final Order, please make sure you check with ISNAP to ensure that appropriate paperwork has been sent to our office. ISNAP and the Board are two separate entities and you may have separate requirements under your Board order and/or your ISNAP contract to send different reports, notices, etc. to each entity. It is your responsibility to make sure these documents arrive at the correct entity on time.
  • We cannot control the United States Postal Service. We can only control when we mail the hearing notice. Hearing notices, by law, have to go out eight (8) days before the hearing. We try to get them out as soon as possible within our legal time frame.
  • Board orders can be found by visiting this website. It does take some time for the most recent orders to show and orders earlier than 2000 may not be on the website. Please contact the Board directly for orders earlier than 2000.
  • Pursuant to IC § 4-21.5-3, we have 90 days after the Board meeting to get your order to you. In most cases, we are able to process orders more quickly than the law allows but a multitude of factors affect our ability to get orders out. We process hundreds of orders per month. Please be patient.
  • When signing in for a hearing, please make sure you sign in as your name is written on your hearing notice/ the Board agenda. Failure to do so could result in your hearing being skipped. If you need to change your name, you must notify both the Deputy Attorney General's Office as well as the PLA, and present the necessary documentation required to do so.
  • If you are required by the Board to complete CEU's, please label them with what you believe they count for before submitting them to our office. This speeds up the review process, and in turn, can help get you set for a hearing faster if you are trying to come off of probation or be reinstated from suspension.