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Engineer Exam Information

Examination Registration Process

(updated: May 2014)

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Candidates starting January 1, 2014 register directly with NCEES to sit for the exam. Once you have taken and passed the exam, submit an application directly to the Board for certification as an Engineer Intern. Review the Engineering Application Checklist for required documents for certification. The Board will review your application at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Review 864 IAC 1.1-2-2 and 864 IAC 1.1-2-4 to ensure you meet the requirements for certification.

Principles and Practice Exam Candidates must submit an application along with the corresponding application fee and all required documents to the Board Office. Review the Engineering Application Checklist for required documents for exam approval.  The Board will review your application at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

ONLY after board approval, register with NCEES and pay an examination fee to reserve a seat for the examination. Do not register with NCEES without board approval. Fees will not be refunded if you register and have not been approved by the Board.
You will receive an email notification from NCEES when scores are released. For more information on the scoring process, visit this link: http://www.ncees.org.

Passed Pinciples and Practice
Candidates must submit your pass letter and issuance fee to the Board.
Issuance Fee Schedule
August 1 of an odd year through July 31 even year the fee is $50
August 1 of an even year through July 31 odd year the fee is $100

Failed Principles and Practice
If you have not exhausted all of your examination attempts in accordance with 864 IAC 1.1-4.1-7, please proceed to reschedule with NCEES. To reschedule as a candidate for the next examination in Indiana, you must complete the registration process online at the NCEES Website prior to the posted deadline. All instructions and deadlines can be found at www.ncees.org

If you have exhausted all examination attempts, please review 864 IAC 1.1-4.1-8 for additional requirements prior to submitting a new application to the board prior to registering with NCEES.
For more information, contact the Indiana Board directly at (317) 234-3022 or pla10@pla.in.gov