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FAQ - Application for Physician Assistant License

What is a notarized document?

  • A notarized document is a copy of an original document verified by a notary. Bring the original document and a copy.  The notary must state that it is a “true copy of the original document.” They will sign this statement, as well as stamp the document with their seal. We will not accept copied documents that are not notarized correctly.

My notary states he/she cannot make the “true copy” statement, what should I do?

  • There are four states that do not allow a notary to make the required statement: Michigan, Illinois, California and New York.  If you are from one of these states you need to do the following:  The custodian makes a photocopy of the original document, makes a written statement about the trueness, correctness and completeness of the copy, signs the statement before a notary, is identified by the notary and takes an oath affirming the truth of the statement.  The notary, having witnessed the signing, identifies the signer either through personal knowledge or satisfactory evidence, and given the oath or affirmation, and executes the notary statement.

Why must I provide my email address?

  • We require an email address as we send all correspondence regarding your license and application via email.  Please make sure you keep it current with us just as you would your mailing address.

I am out of state, how do I get my criminal background check?

  • There are lengthy instructions on how to proceed with the criminal back ground check on our website.  Go to http://www.in.gov/pla/3240.htm, scroll down, and click out of state instructions.

When can I get my criminal background check done?

  • You can only obtain your criminal background check once you have been notified by email that your application has been received by our office. If you choose to complete the process prior to notification, your background check will not be accepted and you will have to repeat the process.

Can I obtain a physician assistant license in Indiana without a collaborating physician?

  • Yes.  Complete the entire application process, leaving out the collaborating physician page of the application and the collaborative agreement.  Please put a note with your application that you are not currently working.  You will not be able to practice without a collaborating physician.  After your license number has been issued and you have obtained employment, you will be required to submit the change/addition application along with the $50 fee and a collaborative agreement.

Can I obtain a temporary permit while I am waiting on my documents to arrive?

  • No.  Temporary permits can only be issued once the application is complete and awaiting review by the PA Committee.  You must have already taken the exam to receive a temporary permit.

The Physician Assistant Committee only meets quarterly; will I have to wait until the next meeting to have my application reviewed for approval?

  • No.  We email the files to Committee members approximately once a week for review.

I have submitted my application for prescriptive authority with all my information, can I start prescribing immediately?

  • No, you cannot prescribe until your application is approved, prescriptive authority has been added to your license, and if prescribing controlled substances, you have been issued a Controlled Substance Registration. 

How will I know when my license or prescriptive authority is issued? 

  • You will receive a computer generated email the day it is approved.

How will I know when my license is issued?

  • You will receive a computer generated email the evening that your license is issued notifying you of your license number and instructions on how to obtain a copy of your pocket license.

When will my license expire?

  • All physician assistant licenses expire June 30th of even years, regardless of the issuance date.  Initial licenses issued 90 days before the renewal date of all licensees do not expire until the next renewal cycle. Renewal notifications will be sent by email approximately 90 days before the expiration date.  The renewal fee is $50.

Will I be required to do continuing education?

  • You are not required to do CE for renewal of your Indiana license; however, you are required to maintain your NCCPA certification. 

Helpful tips regarding collaborative agreements:

  • If you do not have prescriptive authority, there should NOT be anything in the agreement regarding prescribing medications.
  • Agreements should be reviewed annually by both the PA and the physician and an updated/signed copy be kept on file with the parties.
  • The agreement must have ORIGINAL signatures of the PA and the physician and be on letterhead.
  • Do not list delegated collaborating physicians in your agreement.  This should be recorded for your own records.
  • Emergency procedures must be included in all agreements.
  • Please review collaborative agreement sample.

If you have prescriptive authority, please list the following:

  • Name of the drug or drug classification being delegated to prescribe Protocol for prescribing of each drug or drug classification, or if controlled substances, the Schedules to be prescribed.
  • In accordance with the PA prescribing laws, the PA may not prescribe or dispense the following drugs:
    • Schedule 1 substance listed in IC 35-48-2-4;

FAQs regarding prescriptive authority may be found here.