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Statutes and Administrative Rules

INDIANA CODE § 25-31 – Professional Engineers

  • Chapter 1.       Regulation of Engineers; Creation of Board

INDIANA CODE 25-1 – Professions and Occupations

  • Chapter 1.       Evidence of License Applicant's Payment of Personal Property Taxes Required
  • Chapter 1.1.    Effect of Criminal Convictions on Licensed or Registered Persons
  • Chapter 1.2     Effect of Delinquency in Child Support Payments on Licensed or Registered Persons
  • Chapter 2.       Renewal of Licenses Granted by State Agencies. Notice of Expiration
  • Chapter 3.       Civil Immunity of Regulatory Agencies
  • Chapter 4.       Continuing Education
  • Chapter 6.       Professional Licensing Agency
  • Chapter 7.       Investigation and Prosecution of Complaints Concerning Regulated Occupations
  • Chapter 8.       Occupational and Professional Licensure, Registration, and Certification Fees
  • Chapter 11.     Professional Licensing Standards of Practice
  • Chapter 12.     Renewal of Licenses Held by Individuals in Military Service;
  • Chapter 14.     Meetings
  • Chapter 16.     Evaluation of Regulated Occupations


Title 864, Article 1.1 – General Provisions

  • Rule 1.      General Provisions
  • Rule 2.      Qualifications for Examination
  • Rule 3.      Applications
  • Rule 4.      Examinations (Repealed)
  • Rule 4.1.   Examinations
  • Rule 5.      Comity Registration
  • Rule 6.      Certificates
  • Rule 7.      Registrant’s Seal 
  • Rule 8.      Renewal
  • Rule 9.      Roster 
  • Rule 10.    Temporary Permit (Repealed)
  • Rule 11.    Rules of Professional Conduct
  • Rule 12.    Fees
  • Rule 13.    Land Surveying; Competent Practice (Repealed)
  • Rule 14.    Limited Liabilty Company Practice
  • Rule 15.    Continuing Education