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INSPECT query waiver procedure

MANDATORY QUERY – IC 35-48-7-11.1(k)

A practitioner shall query INSPECT prior to prescribing a benzodiazepine or opioid. This is effective:

  • Immediately for any practitioner whose EHR is integrated with INSPECT.
  • January 1, 2019, for any services provided in an ER or pain management clinic.
  • January 1, 2020, for any services provided in a hospital 
  • January 1, 2021, all other practitioners (immediately if EHR integrated with INSPECT)

Query requirement exceptions:

  • If pain has signed a pain management contract, do not need to query more than once in a 90 day period
  • If granted a waiver from the Board due to lack of Internet access in practice location



  1. Practitioner submits a written request for a waiver of the query requirement, by sending a letter to the Board or by emailing the Board at pla4@pla.in.gov.
  2. The written request should include the name and license number of the practitioner, the location of the practitioner’s place of business, and an explanation as to why the practitioner does not have access to Internet services.
  3. The written request will be saved to the practitioner’s electronic record kept by IPLA.
  4. The Board will review the request at their regularly scheduled meeting, and may ask the practitioner to make a personal appearance to answer any questions.
  5. The Board will then vote on whether to grant or deny a waiver request. A waiver will not be granted if the sole reason a practitioner does not have access to the Internet is that they do not want to pay for the service.
  6. The Board will send a letter to the practitioner notifying them of the Board’s decision.  This letter will also be maintained with the practitioner’s electronic file.
  7. The Board may rescind approval of a waiver if it receives information that the practitioner now has access to Internet services. This decision would be communicated and saved in the same manner described in #6 above.
  8. Waivers are granted for one year intervals only.  After one year, the practitioner will need to submit a new request.