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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get assistance with genealogy research?

Under State statute (IC 16-37-1-11 and IC 16-37-1-11.5), the fee associated with a birth or death certificate is for the ISDH Vital Records office to search the records to determine if a record is on file. The search fee includes one copy of the certificate, if the record is found, and search fees are non-refundable.

Indiana Law (IC 16-37-1-10) specifically requires a purchaser of a birth certificate to have a “direct interest.” A direct interest is defined as a documented personal, financial, or legal interest in the record, or immediate kinship (parent, grandparent, or adult sibling) to the person named on the record.

Some customers have found the following websites to be helpful:

You can also call VitalChek toll-free at 1-800-255-2414 and “zero out.”

The Indiana State Library may be able to assist, as well. Their web address is http://www.in.gov/library/. They may be contacted at 140 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 or (317) 232-3689.

Another option is the Allen County (Indiana) Public Library, which has the second largest genealogy collection in the United States. Their web address is www.acpl.lib.in.us/genealogy.