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File a Birth
Most births that occur in the State of Indiana are registered at the facility of birth using the Indiana Birth Registration System (IBRS). IBRS collects applicable demographic and medical information about each birth in Indiana. There are, however, birthing circumstances where the birth would not be registered with IBRS.
In cases where the birth did not occur at a facility, the process of registering a birth will be different depending on the child’s age when registration is sought.
Birth registration for a child less than 12 months may take place at the local health department in the jurisdiction where the birth occurred, with proof of residency. For more information about registering the birth of a child under one year, please see the File a Home Birth page.
However, once the child is over one year, a delayed registration of birth must be filed with ISDH Vital Records. For more information about registering the birth of a child over one year, please see the File a Delayed Birth page.