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Correct/Amend a Birth Certificate

Corrections and amendments to birth certificates may be made to a variety of fields on the certificate. Documentary evidence required for the correction or amendment varies depending on the requested change and the time since the creation of the original record.

Simple corrections may be made to an individual’s own birth record, or their minor child’s, if no other correction or court order has ever been filed against the record. Paternity cannot be established, and surnames cannot be changed, with a simple correction. See the Paternity Affidavit page for information about establishing paternity.

Simple corrections include minor spelling changes, minor date of birth changes (day only), or place of birth of parents; documentary evidence is required to verify the change requested. Documents submitted must be over ten (10) years old to be acceptable as evidence. Documents named do not constitute a complete list of acceptable documents; however, these are the types of documents most frequently used for simple corrections.

  • Court Order – must show case number, date ordered, and judge’s signature and must include a statement directing ISDH to change the birth record
  • School Records – must show the name and location of the school and may be obtained from County Superintendent or School Office
  • Life Insurance Policies – application page must show the name of the insurance company, policy number, and date of issue
  • Application for Marriage License – available from County Clerk of the county in which the license was issued
  • Voter’s Registration – may be obtained from the County Clerk of the county in which the voter is registered
  • Military Discharge Papers – DD-214 or draft registration card
  • Census Record – copies must be obtained from the Bureau of Census and are available from 1880 to 1960 (except 1890)
  • Employment Records – must show place of employment and date the record was created and may be obtained from the employer’s Personnel Office
  • Records of Trade, Professional or Fraternal Organization – usually available from the organization’s secretary
  • Child’s Birth Record – copies may be obtained from the Indiana State Department of Health or the local health department where the child was born
  • Hospital Record of Birth – may be obtained from the Medical Records Office in the hospital where the delivery occurred
  • Baptismal Certificate – may be obtained from the church where the baptism occurred

To correct or amend a birth certificate, please call (317) 233-2700.