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Death Registration

The Indiana Death Registration System (IDRS) rolled out in January 2011.

The goal of IDRS is to enable the participants of the death registration process to electronically file death records with local and state registrars. Registration facilities will access the system online so that facts of death and medical information can be registered electronically.

IDRS provides the capability to electronically file approximately 56,000 Indiana deaths annually. Registration takes place in the county of occurrence, as prescribed by law, with user-friendly data entry screens, online help and instructions, real-time editing, and 24/7 accessibility. The use of a highly secure website for reporting allows for higher quality data, error reduction, greater efficiency, the ability to reduce fraud and identity theft, and provide uniform death certificates for the entire state.

To obtain access to IDRS, please complete and submit the application form located below. A variety of tutorials, as well as tailored user guidance documents, are provided as training for IDRS.

To access IDRS, visit the IDRS Webpage. For assistance, please email VRHelpdesk@isdh.in.gov or call the Helpdesk at (317) 233-7989.

*NEW* Training for Medical Certifiers and Staff

The National Center for Health Statistics released the Improving Cause of Death Reporting web-based training in 2018. CME and CNE credits are available for completion of the training.

Guidance for Medical Certifiers

Access Documents

Guidance for Local Health Departments

IDRS Training Documents

Certificate Templates

Guidance for Funeral Directors

*Shared with permission from the College of American Pathologists. Please email EVERS@isdh.IN.gov for the password.