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Death Information

Death records in the ISDH Vital Records office begin with 1900. Prior to 1900, records of death are filed only with the local health department in the county where the death actually occurred. For deaths occurring from 1900 to 1917, the city and/or county of death is required in order to locate the record.

A record cannot be identified as available prior to purchase because under State statute (IC 16-37-1-11 and IC 37-1-11.5), the fee associated with a death certificate is for the ISDH Vital Records office to search the records to determine if a record is on file. The search fee includes one copy of the certificate, if the record is found; search fees are non-refundable.

Indiana does not issue death certificates for individuals who died in another state. Requests must be made directly to the vital records office in the state where the death occurred. For a listing of contact information for vital records agencies throughout the country, visit the CDC's Where to Write for Vital Records page.

If a change needs to be made to a death certificate, please visit the Correct/Amend a Death Certificate page of the Vital Records website for more information.

Customers that need an Apostille on certificates they have purchased from ISDH may get more information on the requirements by visiting the Indiana Secretary of State’s Apostilles website.

For U.S. Citizens who died abroad, please visit the U.S. Department of State’s Death Abroad webpage.