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In Indiana, the Office of Energy Development was established to shepherd energy planning and policy development. OED focuses on the development and implementation of comprehensive energy planning for the state that utilizes all of Indiana’s energy resources and supports a strong, dynamic, and growing economy. As one of the most manufacturing-intense economies in the United States, Indiana needs affordable and reliable energy to remain economically competitive. Affordable energy is also vital to maintaining an environment in which Hoosier families can grow and thrive. OED coordinates state energy policy with executive branch agencies, houses energy-related programs, and works to support a strong, comprehensive, coordinated energy strategy for Indiana. The office also administers grant programs funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. These grants promote the use of alternative power and fuels, energy efficiency and public education on energy issues in Indiana.
The 56 State and Territory Energy Offices are important agents of change – advancing practical energy policies, informing regulatory processes, and supporting energy technology research, demonstration, and deployment. In partnership with the private sector, the SEOs accelerate energy-related economic development and support meeting state climate goals through energy solutions that address their citizens' needs and enhance physical and cyber energy security.
SEOs' work is generally under the direction of the governors or legislatures, and is funded by both state and federal appropriations, such as the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP). The activities of State Energy Offices vary, depending upon states' indigenous resources and policy priorities of their respective Governors. However, most State Energy Offices:
- Advise governors and legislators on energy issues;
- Ensure that the needs and issues of industry, business, and residential energy consumers are considered during energy policy and program development and regulatory proceedings;
- Support the private sectors’ advanced manufacturing efforts as a means to retain and create jobs;
- Assist in achieving energy-related environmental goals;
- Assist energy providers and consumers during energy emergencies (physical and cyber) to mitigate supply disruptions and coordinate state, local and regional responses;
- Coordinate and leverage private investment in energy research, innovation, and demonstration programs;
- Communicate to the public the importance of energy to economic development and the environment, emphasizing the value of clean, affordable energy.
One of OED’s key partners is the National Association of State Energy Officials - NASEO. Learn more about NASEO’s efforts at