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Information for Applicants

OED's funding opportunities, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's State Energy Program (SEP), provide funding and technical assistance to enhance energy resilience and infrastructure development, planning, energy security, state-led energy initiatives, and emerging technologies. Grant funds support program activities within Indiana that are tailored to our unique needs and energy goals.

Each OED funding opportunity has a different purpose and target audience.

Typical Purposes:

  • Increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and its costs
  • Increase use of alternative energy and transportation technologies
  • Comprehensive energy planning
  • Bolster energy emergency preparedness and energy resiliency

Eligible Projects:

  • Proposals must demonstrate a connection to one or more of the purposes above.
  • Project must evaluate all energy sources and technologies including traditional energy resources as well as renewables including natural gas, propane, steam, fuel oil, solar voltaic (Solar PV), geothermal (ground or air-source heat pumps), biomass or battery storage.

Application Submission

  • Applications accepted by email only. The entire application package is submitted to grants@oed.in.gov.
  • Only one grant application per organization.
  • Provide the information required to demonstrate the eligibility of the applicant.
  • Project has clear goals and metrics by which to evaluate the success of the project. Project clearly outlines the goal, identifies the objectives to meet the goals, and the milestones/activities to be accomplished.
  • Project demonstrates financial benefits for the public and/or to the community.

Application Checklist and Forms

An application package includes the following:

Timeline & Process

Applicants can expect multiple steps in the grant process including:

Application > Review & Selection > Award Notification > State Grant Contract Agreement > Project Commences

Reporting and Compliance

  • Recipients must submit quarterly reports on a template to be provided by OED after the grant agreement is executed.
  • Recipients will be expected to submit a final report on the OED template before the grant agreement expires or when the project ends, whichever comes first.
  • OED reserves the right to withhold all payments until reports are submitted to the satisfaction of OED.
  • OED reserves the right to conduct site visits on projects.

Resources for Your Grant Application

Questions on the grant opportunity should be directed to the OED Grants Team grants@oed.in.gov.

For technical assistance for fleets that seek to deploy alternative fuels and technologies, applicants can contact their local Clean Cities Coalition. Clean Cities Coalitions are supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and serve as a resource for applicants.

South Shore Clean Cities
Carl Lisek, Executive Director

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