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Oil, natural gas and biofuels provide a significant portion of the energy needs of American consumers. Our nation’s energy infrastructure –including pipelines, railroads, highways, waterways and ports—make sure this energy is available when they need it. A robust infrastructure system that is safe, efficient and properly maintained can help lower the costs of supplying oil and natural gas and its products for consumers by reducing congestion, maximizing efficiency and improving safety.
As expansive as our nation’s energy infrastructure is, it is in need of investment to keep pace with a growing population, demand for goods and services and energy needs. Investing in our nation’s energy infrastructure will not only enable the oil and natural gas industry to keep pace with energy demand, it will also help keep energy affordable for Americans. Furthermore, investments in energy infrastructure create well-paying jobs, give U.S. manufacturers a competitive advantage through lower energy and raw material costs and provide revenue to local, state and federal governments. All of these benefits collectively mean increased national security for Americans. Since the inception of the ethanol and biofuels over a decade ago, the United States has undergone an energy transformation from a nation of energy dependence and scarcity to one of energy security and abundance. America has significantly increased domestic crude oil production and transitioned from a net importer of refined petroleum products to a net exporter.
Every day, U.S. refiners are working hard to develop new solutions that provide the fuels needed to get American people and their products from point A to point B, all while lowering emissions. Cleaner fuel technologies aren’t limited to cars, trucks and SUVs. When the International Maritime Organization announced updated marine fuel standards beginning in 2020 and are positioned to begin supplying fuel that will reduce sulphur emissions by over 80%. In Indiana, 2 refiners, BP and CountryMark are leading implementation efforts for emerging energy technologies and infrastructure development.
Unlike other renewable energy sources, biomass can be converted directly into liquid fuels, called "biofuels," to help meet transportation fuel needs. The two most common types of biofuels in use today are ethanol and biodiesel, both of which represent the first generation of biofuel technology.