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OED: At-a-Glance

The Indiana Office of Energy Development (OED) is dedicated to ensuring a diverse, affordable and secure energy future for all Hoosiers.

Our Why

OED was established by Indiana’s General Assembly in order to develop and implement comprehensive energy planning and initiatives.

  • Affordable energy is critical for a thriving Indiana economy and high quality of life for all Hoosiers.
  • Indiana believes in an All-of-the-Above Approach to energy resources that strengthen energy stability, reliability, and affordability.
  • Energy security requires reliable energy delivery and reducing vulnerabilities.

How We Work

OED is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP). The SEP, established by Congress 30 years ago, is the only cost-shared program administered by the DOE that provides resources directly to states. A bipartisan-supported program, SEP provides complete discretion and deference to the nation's governors in the use of SEP funds within a broad statutory framework set forth by Congress. States like Indiana set their policy and program priorities for use of SEP funds on activities such as planning for, and responding to energy emergencies; assisting small businesses and manufacturers in reducing energy costs to improve competitiveness and create jobs; aiding farms and rural communities in developing homegrown energy solutions; and supporting local governments in retrofitting schools, public safety, and other public facilities to enhance resilience and support energy innovation.

OED collaborates with the Governor’s Office, the Indiana General Assembly, state and federal government agencies, industry organizations and stakeholders to develop smart energy policy solutions.

Check out OED’s website for additional information about Indiana’s energy landscape, funding opportunities and initiatives.

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