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Continuing Education Requirements


865 IAC 1-15-2 Continuing education requirements

Sec. 2. (a) Registered professional surveyors must complete a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education in order to qualify for the biennial renewal of the professional surveyor's license in an active status. The twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education requirement must include both of the following:
       (1) A minimum of six (6) continuing education hours in mandatory topics as defined in section 6 of this rule.
       (2) A minimum of eighteen (18) continuing education hours in elective topics as defined in section 7 of this rule.
(b) New registrants are not required to comply with the continuing education requirements stated in subsection (a) at the first renewal of his or her license.
(c) No single elective course may count for more than twelve (12) hours of continuing education. Hours in excess of twelve (12) granted for any single elective course shall not be applied to the hours of continuing education required in the renewal period except as otherwise allowed under subsection (e).
(d) College courses taken after licensure that qualify for continuing education credit under section 5 of this rule will be counted as follows:
       (1) Ten (10) hours of continuing education credit per credit hour taken in a quarter system.
       (2) Fifteen (15) hours of continuing education credit per credit hour taken in a semester system.
However, college credit earned under this section and applied as elective continuing education hours must comply with the requirements of subsection (c).
(e) Up to four (4) hours of elective continuing education topics earned, but not used, in one (1) renewal period may be applied to the hours required in the next renewal period. Proper documentation of any such hours shall be submitted as required by the board.


865 IAC 1-15-3 Length of instruction hour; length of course

Sec. 3. (a) One (1) hour of continuing education must contain at least fifty (50) minutes of instruction.
(b) A continuing education course shall be a minimum of one (1) hour of instruction.


865 IAC 1-15-4 Credit for instructors

Sec. 4. (a) Two (2) hours of continuing education credit will be granted per hour of time spent as a lecturer, instructor, or discussion leader in a continuing education course that meets the requirements of sections 5 through 7 of this rule.
(b) Continuing education credit as provided for under subsection (a) will be granted only the first time an approved course is presented per biennium.


865 IAC 1-15-5 Continuing education topics

Sec. 5. (a) To qualify as continuing education under this rule as provided for in IC 25-1-4-0.5, a course must be an orderly process of instruction that is:
      (1) approved by an approved organization (as defined by IC 25-1-4-0.2) or the board; and
      (2) designed to directly enhance the professional surveyor's knowledge and skill in providing land surveying services relevant to the profession of land surveying.
(b) Qualifying continuing education courses are categorized either as mandatory under section 6 of this rule or elective under section 7 of this rule. ab

865 IAC 1-15-6 Mandatory topics

Sec. 6. The following topics and course content are defined as mandatory by the board in qualifying as continuing education under IC 25-1-4-0.5 and section 5 of this rule:
     (1) 865 IAC 1-10, rules of professional conduct.
     (2) 865 IAC 1-12, if taught in a comprehensive manner.
     (3) 865 IAC 1-12-3, surveyor responsibility.
     (4) 865 IAC 1-12-7, measurements for retracement surveys, original surveys, and route surveys.
     (5) 865 IAC 1-12-11, surveyor conclusions in retracement surveys.
     (6) 865 IAC 1-12-12, publication of retracement and original survey results.
     (7) 865 IAC 1-12-13, retracement and original survey plats.
     (8) 865 IAC 1-12-20 through 865 IAC 1-12-25, route surveys.
     (9) 865 IAC 1-12-27 through 865 IAC 1-12-29, surveyor location reports.
     (10) 865 IAC 1-12-30, section corner perpetuation.
     (11) IC 25-21.5, Indiana professional surveyor's registration act.
     (12) IC 25-21.5-1-7(a)(4), the preparation of legal descriptions for tracts of land to be used in the preparation of deeds of conveyance or other instruments.


865 IAC 1-15-7 Elective topics

Sec. 7. The following topics and course content are defined as elective by the board in qualifying as continuing education under IC 25-1-4-0.5 and section 5 of this rule:
      (1) Mandatory topics as defined in section 6 of this rule.
      (2) College level mathematics.
      (3) College level physical sciences.
      (4) Federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and practices pertaining to the following:
      (A) The establishment or reestablishment of land boundaries in Indiana.
      (B) The practice of land surveying in Indiana.
      (5) The design, planning, and platting of subdivisions.
      (6) Preparation of plans and profiles for:
            (A) roads;
            (B) storm drainage; and
(C) sanitary sewer extensions; in subdivisions.
      (7) The ethical, economic, and legal principles that pertain to the practice of land surveying.
      (8) Topographic and hydrographic surveying.
      (9) Construction layout.
      (10) Remote data acquisition systems, such as the following:
            (A) Photogrammetry.
            (B) LiDAR.
            (C) Remote sensing.
      (11) Surveying applications, such as the following:
           (A) GIS.
           (B) LIS.
      (12) Advanced surveying procedures and equipment, such as the following:
           (A) GPS.
           (B) Laser scanning.
      (13) Computer applications for professional surveyors.
      (14) Communication, such as the following:
          (A) Public speaking.
          (B) Technical writing.

865 IAC 1-15-8 Distance learning requirements

Sec. 8. (a) Up to twelve (12) hours of the continuing education credits required under this rule may be obtained by distance learning methods.
(b) For a distance learning course to be acceptable to the board, it must:
      (1) meet the requirements of sections 5 through 7 of this rule;
      (2) be presented or otherwise formatted in a logical order and may make use of a variety of media or delivery techniques, including:
             (A) printed materials;
             (B) video or DVD;
             (C) live broadcast; or
             (D) the Internet;
      (3) include, at the end of the course, an examination that is graded by the provider;
      (4) be completed within one (1) year of enrollment in the course; and
      (5) provide for confirmation of successful completion of the course by the provider.


865 IAC 1-15-9 Approval of courses

Sec. 9. (a) A course qualifies for continuing education credit if it:
      (1) meets the requirements of sections 5 through 7 of this rule;
      (2) if the course is a distance learning course, meets the requirements of section 8 of this rule; and
      (3) either is approved by:
             (A) an approved organization as defined in IC 25-1-4-0.2; or
             (B) the board under subsection (b) or (c).
(b) A course provider that is not approved by an approved organization as defined in IC 25-1-4-0.2 may request specific board approval of a continuing education course by submitting on a form provided by the board the following information:
      (1) A course outline demonstrating that the course content meets the requirements of sections 5 through 7 of this rule.
      (2) The name and address of the provider.
      (3) The telephone number of a contact person for the provider.
      (4) The name and address of each instructor.
      (5) Biographical information for each instructor sufficient to demonstrate their qualifications to competently teach the course as provided for in section 11 of this rule.
      (6) The number of mandatory or elective hours being requested for approval.
      (7) The student evaluation form for evaluations under section 23 of this rule.
(c) A registered professional surveyor may request specific board approval of any continuing education course by submitting course material. The following information must be provided:
      (1) The following information about the course:
             (A) The course title.
             (B) The course outline or a description demonstrating that the course content meets the requirements of section 5 of this rule and section 6 or 7 of this rule.
             (C) The location where the course was taught.
             (D) The date the course was taught.
             (E) The name, telephone number, and address of the provider.
             (F) The name and address of each instructor.
             (G) Biographical information for each instructor sufficient to demonstrate their qualifications to competently teach the course content as provided for in section 11 of this rule.
       (2) The name and license number of the registered professional surveyor requesting approval.
       (3) A certified statement signed by the registered professional surveyor stating that the entire course was completed.
       (4) The number of mandatory or elective hours as defined in section 6 or 7 of this rule being requested for approval.


865 IAC 1-15-10 Proof of course completion

Sec. 10. (a) The registered professional surveyor is responsible for obtaining the evidence necessary to demonstrate that:
      (1) any course for which continuing education credit will subsequently be claimed was completed; and
      (2) the course met the requirements of this rule.
(b) The registered professional surveyor shall retain the evidence required in subsection (a) for not less than three (3) years as provided