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Continuing Education Requirements

Quick Facts:

CE Year Example Below

July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018        12 Hours CE
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019        12 Hours CE
July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020        12 Hours CE
  • Brokers are required to complete 12 hours of CE every year from July 1st to June 30th.
  • If your license status is ACTIVE or UNASSIGNED, you must complete the required CE to renew the license.
  • If your license status is INACTIVE or REFERRAL, you are not required to complete CE to renew the license.
  • If your license was issued on July 1, 2014 or after, you are required to complete the post-licensing education within 2 years of the date of issuance.
  • Post-licensing education can be counted towards the required continuing education as outlined in 876 IAC 7-4-2.
  • If you also hold the Managing Broker eligibility, 4 hours of the required 12 hours must be managing broker CE as outlined in 876 IAC 7-5-2.
  • If you also hold an Instructor Permit, 4 hours of the required 12 hours  must be instructor specific CE as outlined in 876 IAC 7-5-3.
  • Post Licensing Education Requirements


Commission Requirements Concerning Continuing Education

The continuing education requirements mandated by the Commission are found in the Indiana Administrative Code. Below are excerpts from the IAC concerning those requirements.

Rule 4. Postlicensing Education
876 IAC 7-4-1 Scope of rule
Authority: IC 25-34.1-2-5; IC 25-34.1-3-10
Affected: IC 25-34.1-3-4.1; IC 25-34.1-3-10.5

Sec. 1. This rule establishes requirements for postlicensing education required under IC 25-34.1-3-4.1(f).
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-4-1; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

876 IAC 7-4-2 Postlicensing education required
Authority: IC 25-34.1-2-5; IC 25-34.1-3-10
Affected: IC 25-1-4; IC 25-34.1-9

Sec. 2. (a) An individual issued a broker license after June 30, 2014, must, during the first two (2) years after the license was issued, take and pass thirty (30) hours of commission approved postlicensing education as provided for in section 3 of this rule.
(b) Failure of a broker to complete the thirty (30) hours of commission approved postlicensing education required by subsection (a) will subject the broker to action under IC 25-1-4.
(c) Completion of thirty (30) hours of postlicensing education as provided for in this rule fully satisfies any continuing education that otherwise would have been required under IC 25-34.1-9 and 876 IAC 7-5 for two (2) continuing education years. The continuing education year during which the broker is initially licensed shall not count toward calculating the two (2) continuing education years. Therefore, the broker shall not be required to obtain continuing education under IC 25-34.1-9 and 876 IAC 7-5 until the third continuing education year after the continuing education year in progress when the broker is initially licensed.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-4-2; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

876 IAC 7-4-3 Approved postlicensing educational courses
Authority: IC 25-34.1-2-5; IC 25-34.1-3-10
Affected: IC 25-34.1-3-4.1; IC 25-34.1-3-10.5

Sec. 3. A broker must complete within the first two (2) years of licensure thirty (30) hours of approved postlicensing education consisting of the following:
(1) Six (6) hours of instruction in Indiana real estate transactions that includes the following:
(A) Unauthorized practice of law as follows:
(i) The dangers of unauthorized practice of law by real estate brokers.
(ii) Penalties.
(iii) Indiana State Bar Association vs. Indiana Real Estate Association, 1963.
(B) Contracts as follows:
(i) Elements of a contract.
(ii) Formation of a contract.
(iii) Issues affecting validity as follows:
(AA) Consideration.
(BB) Legal capacity of the parties.
(CC) Conditions affecting validity.
(iv) Obligations of the parties.
(v) Disputes and litigation.
(vi) License law issues.
(vii) Agency relationships.
(C) Listing/purchase agreements as follows:
(i) Listing agreements as follows:
(AA) Parties to the contract.
(BB) License law issues and agency disclosure.
(CC) Formation of the contract agreement (offer and acceptance).
(DD) Determining the listing price.
(EE) Terms of the listing agreement (length, compensation, etc).
(FF) Types of listings.
(GG) Permission for advertising.
(HH) Fair housing laws.
(II) Obligations of the parties.
(JJ) Termination of the listing.
(KK) Residential seller's disclosure form.
(LL) Lead-based paint form.
(ii) Purchase agreements as follows:
(AA) Parties to the contract.
(BB) License law and the purchase agreement.
(CC) Formation of the contract.
(DD) Property description.
(EE) Dealing with personal property.
(FF) Negotiating the price and terms.
(GG) Earnest money.
(HH) Method of payment.
(II) Appraisals.
(JJ) "Time is of the Essence".
(KK) Possession issues.
(LL) Surveys.
(MM) Flood insurance and homeowners insurance.
(NN) Environmental concerns.
(OO) Inspections process and issues.
(PP) Home warranties.
(QQ) Residential seller's disclosure form.
(RR) Lead-based paint form.
(SS) Title approval.
(TT) Real estate taxes.
(UU) Homeowners/condo associations.
(VV) Additional provisions.
(WW) Further conditions section.
(XX) Signatures of all parties.
(YY) Expiration.
(ZZ) Seller's potential responses.
(AAA) Brief discussion of procuring cause issues.
(iii) Required disclosures as follows:
(AA) Residential seller's disclosure form.
(BB) Lead-based paint disclosure form.
(CC) Agency relationships disclosure.
(D) Offers and counteroffers as follows:
(i) Presentation of offers as follows:
(AA) Written offers.
(BB) Verbal offers.
(ii) Owner response options/buyer or tenant response options as follows:
(AA) Acceptance.
(BB) Rejection.
(CC) Counter offer.
(DD) Letting an offer expire.
(iii) Confidentiality issues.
(iv) When does an offer become a contract?
(E) Closing process as follows:
(i) Learn your office policies and procedures.
(ii) The role of the title company.
(iii) The role of the lender.
(iv) The role of the listing broker.
(v) The role of the buyer/tenant broker.
(vi) The role of the limited agent.
(vii) The inspections process.
(viii) Surveys.
(ix) Zoning issues.
(x) Co-brokerage relationships.
(xi) Depositing the earnest money.
(xii) Closing documents.
(xiii) The closing statement.
(xiv) Broker's role at the actual closing.
(xv) After the closing.
(2) Six (6) hours of instruction in financing that includes the following:
(A) Financing and lending markets as follows:
(i) Primary mortgage market.
(ii) Secondary mortgage market.
(B) Mortgage fraud.
(C) Loan types as follows:
(i) Conventional and insured conventional loans.
(ii) FHA loans.
(iii) VA loans.
(iv) Land contracts.
(v) Other financing techniques.
(D) Good faith estimate (GFE) processing.
(E) Credit scoring as follows:
(i) The three (3) credit bureaus.
(ii) How credit scores are determined.
(iii) Rebuilding credit.
(3) Ten (10) hours of instruction in business planning/sales and marketing that includes the following:
(A) Business planning as follows:
(i) Contact database.
(ii) Budgeting.
(iii) Lead cultivation.
(iv) Buyer systems.
(v) Seller systems.
(B) Goal setting/time management as follows:
(i) Education.
(ii) Lead generation.
(iii) Networking.
(iv) Lead follow-up.
(v) Working with active buyers and sellers.
(C) Methods of growing business as follows:
(i) Prospecting.
(ii) Marketing.
(4) Five (5) hours of instruction in negotiating and counseling skills that includes basic negotiation styles of competing, collaborating, accommodating and the following:
(A) Negotiation principles and the phases of negotiation.
(B) Factors affecting the negotiation process.
(C) Cultural differences, language barriers, emotions, values/morals.
(D) Difficult situation or people, or both, as follows:
(i) Outcomes in negotiating.
(ii) Real estate counseling.
(E) Fee or free.
(F) Confidential advice to clients.
(G) Professional opinion vs. personal opinion.
(H) Counselors of real estate (CRE).
(5) One (1) hour of instruction in cultural diversity and fair housing that includes the following:
(A) Definitions.
(B) State and federal laws.
(C) Protected classes.
(D) Blockbusting.
(E) Prohibited practices.
(F) Enforcement.
(G) Diversity.
(6) Two (2) hours of instruction in construction that includes the following:
(A) Site preparation.
(B) Building codes.
(C) Building permits.
(D) Blueprints.
(E) Types.
(F) Styles.
(G) Foundation.
(H) Flooring.
(I) Framing (building envelope).
(J) Roof.
(K) Windows.
(L) Exterior doors.
(M) Interior finish work.
(N) Ventilation and moisture control.
(O) Heating and cooling.
(P) Plumbing.
(Q) Electrical.
(R) Building inspections/defects.
(S) Green building concepts.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-4-3; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

876 IAC 7-4-4 Postlicensure education required
Authority: IC 25-34.1-2-5; IC 25-34.1-3-10
Affected: IC 25-34.1-3-4.1; IC 25-34.1-3-10.5

Sec. 4. The thirty (30) hours of postlicensing education described in section 3 of this rule may be taken in one (1) thirty (30) hour course or in five (5) separate courses with:
(1) one (1) course consisting of the content required in section 3(1) of this rule;
(2) a second course consisting of the content required in section 3(2) of this rule;
(3) a third course consisting of the content required in section 3(3) of this rule;
(4) a fourth course consisting of the content required by section 3(4) of this rule;
(5) a fifth course consisting of the content required by section 3(5) of this rule; and
(6) a sixth course consisting of the content required by section 3(6) of this rule.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-4-4; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

Rule 5. Broker Continuing Education; Managing Broker Continuing Education; Instructor Continuing Education

876 IAC 7-5-1 Continuing education requirements
Authority: IC 25-34.1-9-21
Affected: IC 25-34.1

Sec. 1. (a) Every licensed real estate broker who has not been granted:
(1) an inactive license under IC 25-34.1-3-10; or
(2) a waiver under IC 25-34.1-9-19;
must complete at least twelve (12) hours per continuing education year of approved education courses under IC 25-34.1-9-11 and this article that are given by commission-approved sponsors.
(b) Brokers attending continuing education courses shall present a:
(1) government-issued photo identification; and
(2) proof of licensure as a real estate broker for inspection by the course sponsor or a person designated by the course sponsor.
(c) Measurements and reporting shall be in full hours with a fifty (50) minute instruction period equaling one (1) hour.
(d) A course shall be a minimum of a two (2) hour instruction period.

(e) A minimum of two (2) hours and not more than eight (8) hours of instruction may be offered in a one (1) day course. However, instruction for an approved distance learning continuing education program under 876 IAC 7-6 may be more than eight (8) hours of instruction in a one (1) day course.
(f) A broker shall not be entitled to any continuing education credit for a course unless the broker completes the entire course.
(g) Any continuing education hours accumulated above the minimum requirement for a continuing education year shall not be carried forward to the next continuing education year.
(h) A broker who attends the same approved continuing education course more than once in the same continuing education year is only entitled to continuing education credit for one (1) course.
(i) An instructor shall be entitled to broker continuing education credit for broker courses the instructor teaches and instructor continuing education credit for instructor courses the instructor teaches. However, an instructor may not:
(1) be credited for more than twelve (12) hours of continuing education for instructing in any three (3) year licensure period;
(2) receive credit for repeated courses; or
(3) count instruction credit toward the continuing education specific to providing real estate instructors as required by IC 25-34.1-5-13 and IC 25-34.1-9-22.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-5-1; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

876 IAC 7-5-2 Continuing education requirements for managing brokers
Authority: IC 25-34.1-9-21
Affected: IC 25-34.1-9-11

Sec. 2. (a) Under IC 25-34.1-9-11, at least four (4) hours of the twelve (12) hours a broker that holds a managing broker designation is required to obtain in a continuing education year must be dedicated to the necessary business and management skills and legal knowledge needed by a managing broker.
(b) The four (4) hour requirement under subsection (a) shall apply in any continuing education year that the broker functions as a managing broker for any period of time.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-5-2; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

876 IAC 7-5-3 Continuing education requirements for instructors
Authority: IC 25-34.1-9-21
Affected: IC 25-34.1

Sec. 3. (a) As provided for by IC 25-34.1-5-13 and IC 25-34.1-9-12, an individual who holds a prelicensing instructor permit under IC 25-34.1-5-13 or a continuing education instructor permit under IC 25-34.1-9-22 shall complete a minimum of four (4) hours per continuing education year of continuing education specific to providing real estate instruction.
(b) Continuing education completed to satisfy this section shall also count toward the continuing education requirement for a broker under IC 25-34.1-9-11.
(c) Provisions in 876 IAC 7-2, this rule, and 876 IAC 7-6 that apply to broker continuing education shall apply to instructor continuing education unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-5-3; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)

876 IAC 7-5-4 Curricula for brokers under IC 25-34.1-9-11(a)(1)
Authority: IC 25-34.1-9-21
Affected: IC 25-34.1-9-11

Sec. 4. (a) This section establishes the twelve (12) hour per continuing education year continuing education requirement under IC 25-34.1-9-11(a)(1) for brokers.

(b) To qualify for license renewal, brokers must have completed continuing education courses approved by the commission in any of the following subjects:
(1) The subjects listed in IC 25-34.1-9-11(a).
(2) Environmental issues.
(3) Ethics and standards.
(4) Time-shares, condominiums, and cooperatives.
(5) Investment real estate analysis.
(6) Any other course approved by the commission relating to real estate practices that is designed to directly enhance the broker's knowledge and skill in providing real estate services.
(c) Agency law under IC 25-34.1-9-11 shall be agency law applicable in Indiana.
(d) License and escrow law under IC 25-34.1-9-11 shall be licensure and escrow law applicable in Indiana.
(Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 7-5-4; filed May 22, 2014, 11:50 a.m.: 20140618-IR-876140061FRA, eff Jul 1, 2014)