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Continuing Education (CE)

Is continuing education required for appraisers?

Yes. Certified residential and certified general appraisers are required to have twenty eight (28) hours of continuing education for each renewal cycle. The renewal cycle begins July 1 of even-numbered years and ends June 30 of the next even-numbered year.

Are there any exceptions to the continuing education requirements?

A license or certificate holder initially licensed within the last one hundred eighty-five (185) days of a two (2) year renewal period shall not be required to obtain any hours of continuing education.

Are there any required continuing education courses?

The seven (7) hour Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is required for each renewal cycle. Other courses must either be Board approved or found on the AQB Approved Courses listing. The classes may be taken in the classroom setting, or if they are AQB approved they can be taken online.

Full CE Requirements are viewable on the homepage under the Resources header.