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School Health Profiles (PROFILES)

The School Health Profiles (PROFILES) is a system of surveys assessing school health policies and practices in states across the nation. Profiles are conducted biennially by the Indiana State Department of Health among middle school and high school principals and lead health education teachers.

Profiles assists state and local education and health agencies in monitoring and assessing the following characteristics of school health education:

  • School health education requirements and content;
  • Physical education and physical activity;
  • Practices related to bullying and sexual harassment;
  • School health policies related to tobacco-use prevention and nutrition;
  • School-based health services;
  • Family engagement and community involvement; and
  • School health coordination.

How is Profiles conducted?

Profiles is conducted among a random sample of schools in Indiana. The State Department of Health collects data from self-administered questionnaires and must obtain at least a 70% response rate to obtain weighted data that can be representative of the population across the state.

What kind of data does Profiles provide?

Profiles provides data on the following areas:

  • Safe and supportive school environments;
  • Sexual health education;
  • Sexual health services;
  • Health services for students with chronic conditions;
  • Supportive school nutrition environments; and
  • Comprehensive school physical activity programs.

Schools can be used to describe school health policies and practices, identify professional development needs, plan and monitor programs, support health-related policies, seek funding and garner support for future surveys.

Profiles is supported by the Division of Adolescent and School Health’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Data by Year

2016 Profiles


2014 Profiles



United States