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Early Childhood Comprehensive Impact (ECCS)


Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems, funded by Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) since 2003, are partnerships between interrelated and interdependent agencies/organizations representing physical and mental health, social services, families and caregivers, and early childhood education to develop seamless systems of care for children from birth to kindergarten entry.

Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Impact (ECCS Impact) Grant Program

Using a Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CoIIN) approach, the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Impact (ECCS Impact) grant program works to enhance Early Childhood (EC) systems building and demonstrate improved outcomes in population-based children’s developmental health and family well-being indicators. Additionally, these grants develop collective impact expertise, and implement and sustain efforts at the state, county and community levels.

Measuring Success

Within 60 months of the program start, the program’s primary aim is for participating communities to show a 25% increase in age-appropriate developmental skills among their communities’ 3-year-old children.

Secondary aims include:

  • strengthening leadership and expertise in continuous quality improvement (CQI);
  • achieving greater collective impact in early childhood systems at the state, county, and community level;
  • developing primarily two-generation approaches to drive integration of early childhood services vertically and horizontally;
  • developing and adopting core sets of indicators to measure Early Childhood (EC) system processes and outcome indicators to measure population impact around children’s developmental health and family well-being; and
  • testing innovative Early Childhood (EC) systems change ideas, developing spread strategies and adopting new Early Childhood (EC) policies for sustaining the systems.

Indiana’s Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Impact (IN ECCS Impact)

Vision:  All children 0-3 in Indiana achieve their developmental potential.

Mission: To enhance EC health and well-being by connecting families with resources and services through local coordination and collaboration.

The Indiana ECCS Impact project will address the need for increased access to child developmental & maternal depression screenings and improved coordination of early childhood systems by partnering with the Indianapolis Near Eastside and IndyEast Promise Zone to participate in the CoIIN, developing collective impact expertise, and integrating the Help Me Grow (HMG) evidence-based model within the existing MCH MOMs Helpline.

  • Purpose: To enhance early childhood systems building and demonstrate improved outcomes in population-based children’s developmental health and family well-being indicators using a Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CoIIN) approach
  • Goal: To develop collective impact expertise, implementation and sustainability of efforts at the state, county and community levels
  • Overall Aim: Within 60 months, the identified community will show a 25% increase from baseline in age appropriate developmental skills among their community’s 3-year-old children



Act Early Indiana


Near Eastside/IndyEast Promise Zone Map


ECCS Quarterly Newsletters

Issue 1: May 2017

Issue 2: August 2017

Issue 3: November 2017

Issue 4: August 2018

Issue 5: December 2019

State Advisory Team Meeting Notes

January 5, 2017

April 17, 2017

July 24, 2017

October 30, 2017

PDSA Worksheets


Help Me Grow 

Launching Announcement

Help Me Grow Monthly Newsletters



Help Me Grow Summary Documents



If you have any questions or need more information about ECCS, please email ISDHMCH@isdh.IN.gov.